Love Shuttle
This is what I like.. An omega but not a feminine one... Im so excited for the updates...
The new employee
Wow️️️. I love it. I think it's a nice story. I want more authornim️️️. We will support you..also I love your previous story.. thank you for making it. Love lots. Authornim,️️️
Reminiscence Adonis
Omyghad waiting for the next update ️️️
The Titan's bride
Waaaahhhh... I can't get enough with this... Oh my gosh.. please update huhuhu...
His Majesty Doesn't Want To Be Too Bossy
I love this story . I want an update huehuehue.. Fighting authornim ️️️
Three Months to Live
That's it??? Waaahhh can you make a sequel or a 2nd book would be good.. and the last part is I don't understand why he's taking pictures in underworld.. is that he's job.. hue hue.. so yeah I love this one and I hope you create a 2nd book with it.. thank you authornim for sharing this story to us..lovelots ️️️
I am Their Catships' Catservant
So cute .. want to have more..️️
Thank you for the meal