Playboy Beast
Leopard uke x albino lion seme. Uke wanted a gf to lose virginity to, seme was w school nurse, both got ED except together. Went from dislike each other to liking. Nurse gave seme heat inducer instead of pheromone repellant as revenge. Mated, ilys etc.
Hetakuso Love Step
Nitta-kun Chuuihou
Seme moves to new school, gets called out by delinquent uke who asks him to practice bdsm on him. Seme makes cute failed attempt before trying again.
Kanchigai Tokidoki koi
He gets saved by a guy, remembers his smell, finds him again, saves him back. Cute, i like their dynamic.
Room to Room
Gay seme has crush on straight uke roomie. Uke has sleeping problems, tablets make him sleep walk and have sex. Seme thinks uke wants him, doesnt realise he's technically not awake. They go a while until seme gets upset uke just using him for sex, uke surprised with seme being too familiar. He stops taking sleep tablets when they realise, eventually realises he also likes seme and they get together. Really great chemistry and both characters are very likeable.
1 to 10
(pause) Ch23. Uke has had a series of relos w small dicks, wants someone bigger. Complaining one day while drunk, overheard by guy with long hair from school whom he dislikes. Seme offers to have sex w him, he goes with it coz drunk and then realises partway who it is. Running away, seme pursues. Uke tries to get set up w someone else but cant forget seme dick, asks for it, seme says not if youre in a relo. Uke breaks things off and starts a thing w seme, seme sexytimes and kisses, dates, seme thinks he doesnt realise who i am.. (sounds like there is more to their story) and exams, seme says no sex until after exams. Day uke finishes exams he is getting prepped for tomorrows dickings, but seme interrupts his masturbation.. seme realises what he interrupted, and says continue and i'll watch. Seme watches very briefly and says lets do it.. sexytimes all night long haha. Seme clarifies to uke that theyre dating. Uke getting jealous of people who might be semes exes..
Outsider Communication