I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World!
Zombie Hide Sex
Seishun X Kikanjuu
Monster In The Mist
The storyline is actually really interesting and the romance isn't the only focus of the story. Honestly, at some point I was more interested in the virus and the progress of the crisis that they were facing rather than the romance between the main characters lmao. I absolutely loved Hayeon and Jihyuk so much. I can't even count the amount of times I was in distress wondering if Jihyuk would make it until the end of the series but thankfully he did. When I started reading it, I literally told myself I would stop reading if Jihyuk died. Clearly, I have a favourite. As for Woon, I never really became attached to his character and I was fine if he had died and this story ended tragically but it didn't so that's fine too. I suppose I'm glad Woon lived bcs Hayeon looks so happy to be with him. I'm also really surprised that they actually solved the entire virus thing. Some stories end with a "save haven" being made for the survivors or that they found a solution but it wasn't placed in worldwide effect. This story tho showed the process of them slowly spreading out the cure to the virus and I kinda like knowing what happened to the world after. Overall, it's a really interesting story. Yk it's good when I would like the story even if it didn't have the romance aspect of it (which was the whole reason I started reading this btw, for the romance that is).
The Abandoned Empress