Dear. Gentle Papa
Awww Nao-chan is adorable!!! seeing tears in Oka-san eyes started my waterworks too!! T_T
Jinjuu Houretsuden
This manga is a masterpiece. All the characters r well drawn. Cuteness of Lu the panda overshadows all!! I was so afraid to read chapter 27 *spoiler alert* I was sure that Wang will attack The Aide. But when I saw Lord Long ♡ I was hoping he'll stop him but nope it didn't happen!! T_T but yea 'All is well if ends well' Something like that!! Hulie x Xanglin ♡
Seven Days
No words to explain just how good this is!! They r so cute. N their conversations its so natural.. Loved it so much. Want more about their college life or future.. ♡♡♡
Sora To Hara
When I first found this manga I couldn't even finish first chapter coz of its art. Yesterday I found Doukyuusei n realise this is the 3rd book in series. N now I love the art, the plot, everything about it. Sorano is just too cute!!! This series is one of the best series
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