Kimi ga Shine Majority Vote Death Game
(Quick explanation/summary/ light spoilers) Kimi ga Shine ~ Majority Vote Death Game With freedom and your life on the line will you stay noble or will you fall prey to the most basic desire to survive? Manga adaptation / interpretation to the game "Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority- "(Kimi ga Shine) which is a freeware negotiation/horror/adventure game by Nankidai made in RPG Maker MV. Game summary: Sara Chidouin returns home from school late one night to discover that something's gone terribly wrong. When she comes to, she finds herself, her friend Joe, and 9 other people trapped in a mysterious place. Placed in life-and-death situations, they must come to an agreement about what they should do - and who should die. Game link to the official translation from VG-Person: It can be downloaded or played in browser. FanWiki site: ~~~ light Spoilers ahead (not character or storywise just some quick explanation in case the manga story is the same as the game story)~~~~ Setting: All the characters were kidnapped and placed in building of unknow size each floor is a stage/level and to move from one floor to another they have to hold a "Trial" in those Trial they have to choose one person from the groupe by majority vote who will then me killed my a public execution. The Majority Vote is one of two voting ways, where as by the Popular Vote every vote counts ( for example:100 people vote 60 choose pepsi 40 cola = 60 people get pepsi , 40 people cola ), the Majority Vote has winner takes all principle ( for example: 100 people vote 51 chose pepsi and 49 chose cola = every one gets pepsi even if it was just one vote / or 100 people can vote only 50 do 27 of those chose pepsi and 23 cola all 100 peple get pepsi even if the 50 people who didnt vote wanted cola), which means to win the Majority Vote one does only need the majority even if it is only one vote. Characters: The groups age range goes from middel schooler up to adult. Trials: At before a Trial begins the group members will receive Roles each Roles has different ability. There are four (4) Roles the Sacrifice ( if the person holding the sacrifice roles card is choosen to be killed they wont die everyone else on the other hand will be killed except for one person which the Sacrifice can chooses freely the Sacrifice is then declared the winner of the game but if the Sacrifice is not choosen as by the end of the Trial they will be executed along side the choosen one), the Keymaster ( the Keymaster card and role has the special ability that if they are choosen as sacrifice every gets killed with no exception and no game winner), the Sage (the Sage has the ability of being tols who holds the Keymaster card there are no downsides to chossing them at the end of the trial) and last but not least the Commoner ( the Commoner card has no abilities). There are only one Sacrifice, Keymaster and Sage cards in each Trial round but everyone else gets a Commoner Card. Each Trial will be overlooked by a Floor Master eaxh floor has a different Floor Master. To end the Game and win there has to be only one person left which means untill then Trials will be held.
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