Bloody Sweet
Did he become the Earth? Or maybe god??? Or was he one of those all along? Anyway, I enjoyed it. I liked it! There were some holes in the overarching plot though. Like I think the author really overestimates animals. Not to defend humans, but if you think humans are the only animals that kill and torture other living beings for entertainment and sport, I’m sorry you need to like do some research. I don’t think humans are innately evil, I just don’t. Humans like all animals are selfish, self-centered, and pleasure seeking creatures. We just are. I think those who are kind and selfless are actually the ones defying nature and going past our base instincts. The ones that are truly evolved are those that see past there desires and nature and show what humans at they’re very best can do. Care, nurture, heal, protect, love, and honestly just display kindness without expectations.
The Wilting Light