Sayonara, Boku no Goshujin-sama
there is this guy (ex) is very sadistic and he abuse all of his boys, then he throws them away later. After that the seme and uke (both of them were once the ex's toys) met and later on became lovers. The ex didn't like how is toys were getting along so he met up with the uke then bla bla bla happened (the seme ran away and didn't helped the uke. i was kinda mad but they got along after that) and the end.
Amai Sokubaku
the reason i gave it a 4 was cuz when yuki and kei got together the story doesn't develops anymore. dissapointing ;( Yuki (uke) had always lost to his older step-brother since he was little. The only person who supports him quietly is Kei (seme) which is yuki's younger step-brother. One day Kei caught Yuki kissing the older brother so Kei raped Yuki..... pretty messed up isn't it. Anyways, after that they never talked again and Kei left the house after graduation. Time passed by, Yuki and older brother works in the same company and Kei became an actor... drama and stuff happened bla bla bla, finally Yuki and Kei became lovers. Kei also cleared his misunderstanding, now he knew that Yuki didn't kiss the older brother, he was just touvhing his forehead.
Sailor Danshi
every damn thing u can think of is in his one-shot-multiple-story!!!!!!!! AND FUCKING UNCENSORED, UNCENSORED, DO U HEAR ME?!?!?!?! UNCENSORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gintama dj - Ero ga Tarinai!
i gave it 3 star but it doesn't mean that it's not good. it's good but i feel like the sex didn't satisfy me yet.
sefure ijou, koibito miman!
warning: if u dont want to die dont read, it too good
If You Do Not Obey Me
meh. boring. stiff art. barely any character development. everything is just so fast like boom boom boom so u could barely develop feelings like sympathy for each character. but some people might like it cuz the drama want as strong and bitchy.
Bouai Friendship
uke is the senpai but he is sooooooooooo innocent and was bullied by a younger but matured and mean seme. noice. btw, it's U-N-C-E-N-S-O-R-E-D, do u hear me!!!!!! UNCENSOREDDDDD
Vol 2 ch 4 pg 13 -you've endure it for so long, now it's the time to let it out momo. let it all out, let it all out.
Yoru To Asa No Uta
so many beautiful yet painful scenes. uke, in love with the seme so much to the point he'll do anything for him, but he doesn't show it which doesnt make it creepy: as expected of harada, she mastered it. but the seme, a hot-tempered person who dislike gays, absolutely, at first, hated the uke. but after the night he mistaken the uke for a girl, he couldnt ignore him any longer. ch.7 OMGOMGOMGOGMOGMGrfgbseojgaseorgaofnta
Obey Me