OnoderaRitsuTakanoMasamune85's manga / #slow pace(4)

Shoushin Otoko ni Haru no Arashi

Complete | Cocomi | 2019 released
2020-05-01 04:59 marked

Hana wa Saku ka

Complete | HIDAKA Shoko | 2007 released

Why is is it that when i come back year's later to really awesome fantactic manga's such as this it has not even being ficked up ??? Like are you's for real ??? Why is it alway's the great manga manga such as these that get left like this i really hate this site can't stand uploader's they just f*** everything up !!! Volumes: 5 !!! Chapters: 35 !!! Status: Finished !!! https://myanimelist.net/manga/19594/Hana_wa_Saku_ka?q=Hana%20wa%20Saku%20ka%20&cat=manga COME BACK AND FINISH THIS OFF PROPERERLY !!!