If You Treat Me Nice, We Can Do It
Complete | Megumi Kitano | 2000 released
no cause Aki was horribly to Ryuji all the way until the end. He never apologized for using him as well as treating him like shit even to the point of hitting him, Aki didn't deserve Ryujis love. In the last page where Aki finally says he loves Ryuji is also kinda shit bc literary just a page before he admits to being annoyed that the guy he loved was sending him baby pics aka he was jealous idk I didn't really get the feeling that Aki truly loves Ryuji but more like he just decided to accept him bc he knew he was the only one who wouldn't leave him
Aniki no Ichiban Oishii Tokoro
Complete | MIZUHARA Zakuro | 2019 released
its good but then I remember they are twins and I dont know how to feel
Hanaiki -Kasoku-
Complete | Katsuaki Sassa | 2000 released
Ao no Tsubomi