Koi to Shinzou
Got to ch 3, not bad but going to look for something slightly faster pace for now
Geolson's Past
Read all the currently updated chapters but honestly… I agree with the comments, it’s like he’s not even trying to treat him better, what the point having your memories if you can’t learn from them
Foul's Start
Woah I don’t know if he’s over it or trying really really hard to hide it, but the obsession is thereeeee, especially when he was younger
Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?
Gah the misunderstanding is strong in this one, like… I can’t even really blame the ML for not communicating clearly because any normally person would get it! 36
One step from hell
So so so good. Wish we got a whole extra series of them together
Healing Paradox
He is obsessed but makes the guy fall for him pretty naturally so isn’t actually that much of a red flag tbh
Dreadful Night
Well damn this is good. Refreshing concept and interesting main characters, both their interactions with each other and plot are interesting. I’m not dying for more, but I really can’t wait until there is more 28,33
Where the Dragon's Rain Falls