this took me forever to read BUT WHY LIKE JM GOING TO KILL MYSELF WHY DIDNT I READ THUS SOONER OH MY GOD i mean more episodes now so that’s good but oh my god i haben felt this many butterflies or gotten this many goosebumps from a manhwa in awhile it was so perfectly UGH like the way the represent yeonwoos feelings whenever he get a shy or embarrassed bc of shin MAKES ME UGH MAKES ME WANT TO KILL MYSELF IT WAS SO PERFECT like i literally don’t know how to explain how PERFECT this was likeeee i’m not ready for that stupid ahh b alpha red head bitch does something because i’m going to be so upset like actually i will HAHA KILL MYSELF IM GONNA IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THEM LOKE THIS BETTER BE A HAPPY MF ENDING even the grandpa guy was so cute he sure did bad things but he’s trying to change and i love that so much…when they finally found out who yeonwoo was I WAS DYING alsooooooo like again the art style is TOO DIE FOR like it’s just so so so so so soft idk how else to explain it it’s jus so appealing to my eyes it reminds me of the main love interest in moving i don’t remember her name but her face is like super soft looking and has that kind of appeal AND THE ART HERE HAS THAT SAME EXACT SOFT APPEAL anyway i’m gonna keep waiting for the new chapters ofc and will love every single one of them bc UGH THIS WAS SO DAM PERFECT NO OMEGAVERSE HAS WVER BEEN SO WELL DONE LOKE TJIS IDK UGH UGH UGH
Hyung, do you think i'm fat?
THIS IS SAUR CUTE AND GOOD AND SEXY WOWZA naur but the seme is just so adorable i actually cant HE IS SOSOSOOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOOSOOOO DAM CUTE I ACTUALLY CANT also the uke is rlly pretty UGHH i love this art style they draw bodies like super well like they totally understand anatomy like it’s not jus two body types for seme and uke like other stories like there are sm different types AND I LOVE IT the story is pretty cute too the ukes awakening LOLS anywho will be passionately waiting for more BC THIS US SOSOSOSO CUTE HEHEHHEHHEHE
Kill Me If You Can
UGH i love this sm ITS SO SILLY GOOFY BUT ALSO SO HOT AT THE SAME TIME ik someone said something abt woodworks design being so good bc it reminds them of the 2000s yakuza design or something AND I AGREEEEEEEEEEEE HIS DESIGN IS SO GOID I DONT THINK IVE FREAKED OUT OVER A CHARACTER LIKE THIS IN SO LONG BUT WOOYEOL JUS HURS DIFFERENT also their chemistry is jus MMMMMNN SO GOOD UGHHHH i rlly hope they will both be able to stay bc jus from a little bit of wooyeols background we can tell he hasn’t killed anyone LIKE PLSSSSS HE IS INNOCENT STOPPPOPOPPPPPPPPPP DONT KILL HIM I LOVE HIM AND HE DESERVES HAPPINESS WITH THE UKE PLSSSS I LOVE THIS MANHWA SM
Don't Be Nice To Me
omg this was so refreshing idk how to explain it it jus felt so organic everything was jus so REAL UGHH i love them so much they seemed like real people that were genuinely trying to firgure things out omg when two i said “this is my first time dating u u have to teach me a lot” I WAS SHOOL SO MANY THING SAID SHOOK ME TO MY CORE like this was jus so genuine and i’m so happy i read it tysm xd
Dreadful Night
Dead man Switch
THE PLOT IS PLOTTING this one is actually sosososooo interesting like i’m hooked REINCARNATION???!?!?!? SO COOLLLLL and also the art is so MMMM that’s literaly how i wanna draw especially the bodies like they r drawn so perf hehe like the scenes too wowza anyway this was so good when i realized what was happening i literally gasped out my phone down and had to think for a couple minutes LOL like i was smiling and giggling about how good this was OH MY GOD like the puzzle pieces were FITTINGGGHH UGHHH this one is so good like i cant wait for more HEHHEHEHEHHEHE ITS SO GOOD JEJKWKAKWMKSLAMSKLWL
Beyond Memories
omg i rlly liked this one i’m like hooked on the plot i wonder what all these feelings of deja vu is coming from for the mc. omg also art MMMMMMMMM especially the seme HE IS SO UGHHHHHHHHHGH he is so foine like having me swinging my feet back and forth love the art too the scenes were LOL they were bc good they draw bodies rlly well XD i cant wait to see how the plot unfolds hehehehhe
Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?
omg the entire time i was readin this i was thinking abt what to write bc when it is rlly rlly good I WANT TO WEITE A LOT ABT IT like oh em GEEGLES like ik people were getting annoyed w the mc’s overthinking but as someone that also overthinks I GET IT U GUYS I GET IT like it is actually so hard to not go to your own conclusions and think that you are always doing something wrong when that just kinda how u think u know? like i was getting frustrated but i felt like all the things that happened i understood. it wasn’t like other mangas where they were just fucking stupid like those ones i don’t like and i don’t get and i hate the mc or the ml but this one i just couldn’t hate either of them. i could just tell how infatuated they were w each other and they were stuck in a limbo of miscommunication and self doubt. like i totally get it actually! i see why the ml was thinking what he thought when the mc was too shy bc he thought he dreamed of kissing him. like it makes sense that he would think that and also that the mc would be confused bc he is just a kid that thought his mind wandered too far. but the affection and love they had for each other was so apparent that it hurt as a reader that they didn’t see it for each other. even through all the obstacle courses that they went through up until the very end, they loved each other so much they couldn’t let go and i think that is so beautiful. like this was the type of manga that truly makes me yearn for a relationship when i usually do not care abt it. like UGH to feel that kind of yearning for someone!! i want it so bad!!! yea i rlly liked this story that might be a hot take but screw u! i think this was epic and awesome sauce. also the art UGH when they started getting intimate YOU COULD FEEL THE PASSION like it’s crazy it wasn’t like a normal sex scene… like i swear it felt almost destined LMAO that’s so stupid but that’s really how i feel… like ik that once they got together they were going pretty fast but lowkey tf if i liked someone for that long and persevered through all those hardships to keep liking them i would wanna go faster too! like UGH but yea the scenes were so good… like i think every time i saw the ml’s peepee pop up i said oh my gosh out loud. keeping in mind i stayed up until 7:30 am to read this i needed to stay quite but like it just shocked me everytime his thing popped up. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT WAS THROUGH HIS PANT BC U COULD SEE HOW BIG IT IS LIKE honestly me perception of peepees are so bad now i swear it’s bad… this story i saw SO GOOD the art i saw TOP FREAKING TIERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and the build up i had for this manga bc i waited to read it for months until i was ready was WORTH IT i mean obviously or else i would be writing this much LOL but yes this one was so dam dam GOOOOOOD loved it AGHHHHHH i recommend hehe u would just need to like angst a lot! XDDDD
Death Delayed for a Short Time Because of the Will
UGH SLOW BURNS HURT SO GOOD but also the overall story is just really good i love action fantasy manhwas w awakeners and this was such an interesting take i love it i love pretty much all the characters UGH this one was good hehe
The Rogue Prince Is Secretly an Omega