Kamisama no Uroko
This was so beautiful. I freakin love this author. Every story they make is a masterpiece. And their art style. HMP ITS GORGEOUS. I look forward for more on this story and more on this author.
Keeper of the Pearl
bruhhhh i loveddd thisssss this is insaneeee this story was so good and the relationship was so healthy and made me feel bubbly. i felt so happy throughout their entire relationship djsksj i def recommend <3
Dear Signal
I really liked this concept. Never seen it before. <3
Kanawanu Koi no Musubikata
Omg I love this. The seme makes me squeal every fucking time I see him and the uke is such a nervous and anxious little chipmunk. The uke needs to believe in himself and his ability to make the seme happy tho. He’s making me sad :,( I love this. Please update soon author-san.
The Titan's bride
Why did I actually like this.
Ookami he no Yomeiri
Potential is all I see with this manga. Potential. Potential. POTENTIAL. Can’t wait for more updates.
Angel Buddy
Saeki-kun ni tsunagatchau!
Caramel Honey