gachan_2772's manga / #illness(1)

10 years where I loved you the most

Complete | Choda | 2000 released

Can i cry? Can i please have the ability to cry because if I could I would've cried about a million times bc of this story. It was so stunning written and so heartbreakingly real. I felt so much for xingshu and hated jiangshen so much. I fell for ai just as hard as xhingshu. The characters were just so composed and fit together so well, even if they weren't supposed to be fit together. It was so sad seeing how xingshu and jiangshen's relationship was in highschool. Its so sad to see how it soon fell apart bc of jiangshen's dispiteful personality change. I wish they could've been happy. As much as I despise that man, if he had stayed faithful and loving to xingshu, then they could've both been happy. Maybe Xingshu would've agreed to curing his illness. Maybe Jiangshen wouldn't have ruined the life of Xiaochen as well. And maybe, ai could've lived his life having not losing the love of the one he was never really able to hold on to. But alas this are all just maybe's. Im just emotional as heck rn bc I cant cry to how beautiful this story is. I just wish they could've all have been living... and happy. But ig xingshu was able to die happy somewhat in ai's arms. Thank you for this story and i hope everyone would be able to read this, bc this is more than a bl to me. This mf hit diff.