RAHHHH i love this sm for one the art is jus ASTONISHING LIKE they draw lips so we’ll like everything is rlly well drawn w like the proportions and coloring style and all but how the lips are drawn is jus SOMETHIN ELSE and also the plot is lil confusing to me sometimes but it comes together the more u read WHICH IS SO GOOD i just want more man GIVE ME MORE RAH
Faded First Love
UGHHHHH i knew that this was good bc i was always getting recommendations on it from tik tok but i ALWAYS stopped and i don’t know why. this has to be one of the best reads i’ve had IN A LONG TIME IT HAS MY WHOLE ENTIRE HEART URGHHHH AOKI AND IDA OR JUS UGHHHH And aida and the girl r so cute too (her name too long for me to remember) like cmon now i like remmeber their names. and i’m bad at names so you know this is good LOL but yea the development was both slow but like GOOD LIKE THE ANTICIPATION HAD ME REEELLLEEEDDDD IN ugh i love this aoki is jus so FUNNY OMG YEA U FORGOT TO MENTION ABT HOW GAW DAM FUNNY IT WAS TOO literallt had me cackling in the middle of the night at like 5 am the faces were so funny HAHAH okay but the art was like so soft idk how else to describe it. it was just so perfectly soft looking UGH i loved this and i heard that its finished BUT MOT TRANSLATED YET UGHHHHHHHHH IMMA KMS jk i wanna read the rest first heheheh IM SO READY RAHHHH
Shitsuren Junky