gachan_2772's manga / #Romance(88)

Dear Benjamin 1.5

Complete | Id,Top jung | 2019 released


My Housemate

Complete | snob | 2000 released


Egoism Heat

Complete | Takami Itsu,TAKAMI Itsu | 2019 released

bruh this... this is so good- please i rlly like this i’m going to reread this multiple time fam cause dam... the omega is lovely i very much love him i wanna protecc and snuggle him and the alpha so cute and upbeat i love this kinda combo i love how the match each other spspsp AND I LOVE THE CHILD ITS SO CUTE HOW HES SO INFATUATED W HIS DAD THE OMEGA DJSKDJKS ITS SOOOO CUTE i love kids and this kid is so cute i loved this manga vv much ty for the uploads :DD

Who Can Define Popularity?

Complete | 拓本,KENAZ,极直社 | 2000 released

lmao i loved this i rlly like comedies and this was hilariousssss i loved how the artist showed expressions it was so perfect ty for the uploads!

Mistake Lover

Complete | Merig | 2019 released

bruhhhh i loved this smmm there aren’t many bls that can make me laugh out loud as hard as this one did the art style was just sooo my type toooo ughhhh i loved this smmmmmmmm i wish there was moreeeeee jdndksksms im sadge now i wanna reread it w/p knowing what comes next;-; can i just forget so i can go through the experience again bc i loved it ;-;;;;

10 years where I loved you the most

Complete | Choda | 2000 released

Can i cry? Can i please have the ability to cry because if I could I would've cried about a million times bc of this story. It was so stunning written and so heartbreakingly real. I felt so much for xingshu and hated jiangshen so much. I fell for ai just as hard as xhingshu. The characters were just so composed and fit together so well, even if they weren't supposed to be fit together. It was so sad seeing how xingshu and jiangshen's relationship was in highschool. Its so sad to see how it soon fell apart bc of jiangshen's dispiteful personality change. I wish they could've been happy. As much as I despise that man, if he had stayed faithful and loving to xingshu, then they could've both been happy. Maybe Xingshu would've agreed to curing his illness. Maybe Jiangshen wouldn't have ruined the life of Xiaochen as well. And maybe, ai could've lived his life having not losing the love of the one he was never really able to hold on to. But alas this are all just maybe's. Im just emotional as heck rn bc I cant cry to how beautiful this story is. I just wish they could've all have been living... and happy. But ig xingshu was able to die happy somewhat in ai's arms. Thank you for this story and i hope everyone would be able to read this, bc this is more than a bl to me. This mf hit diff.

Life Senjou no Bokura

Complete | TOKOKURA Miya | 2016 released

PUH LEEZ THIS WAS FUCKING PERFECT AS SHIT WTF ITS INSANE HOW MUCH I LOVED THIS MANGA it’s literally only 6 chapters but it went through so much of their lives and so perfectly too. it really showed how a gay relationship can be in the real world in japan with all of its struggles and pressures from society. but even with all that pressure, if ur not with the one you truly love what is the point of living life like that? this manga represented that beautifully and represented the characters struggles so stunningly well. they went through their youthful days to the days that they had to grow up and it represented such pain so accurately. them being such imaginative kids and having to grow up and realize that the real world was not like how they thought of it but also thinking that they could get through it all bc the person they loved is with them but that in turn ending up breaking one of them down instead. it’s... it’s perfect. i’m not one to cry at anything fictional but this truly hit my heart. i was in so much pain bc of this manga. the uke’s struggles after the seme left him hurt me so much inside and i hated the seme so much for leaving the uke the way he did bc of his fear of not being like everyone else but i also couldn’t help but be empathetic towards him too. this manga represented the semes desire to be normal so well as you can see his love for the uke slightly deteriorating as time goes on and bc of there being a chance to be like everyone else, he finally left him. but what’s the point of being like others? why do you have to be normal? why you u need to fit society’s structural ideas of you? why can’t you just be with the one that u love without getting the judgement of others? as long as you both love one another what’s so wrong? and the seme recognized this over time. as he spent his days getting older after he split from the uke, he realized how he wasn’t truly happy. he wasn’t feeling joy in his life and he wasn’t living the life he should’ve been. when he hit this realization, he tried to fix everything. but the pain he caused to others bc of his choices was still there. even if he realized his mistakes, he still caused others pain and heartbreak. but his redemption was so well done. after he met up with the uke again and realized all the wrong doings he’s done to him and all the pain he caused for the one he truly loved you could tell how much regret he had. this manga hit my heart as hard as zhonglis ba donk a donk. like wtf this was so perfect??!!?!? how!??!?!? AND THE ENDING GODDDDDDDD IT WAS PERFECTTT I WAS CRYING BRUH CRYINGGGGGG IT HURT MY HEART SO GOODDDDD. AGHHHHH THIS WAS PERFECT EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS AND GIVE IT FIVE STARS WTFFFFF. AND GO BUY IT FROM THE AUTHOR TOO WTF THEY DESERVE MILLIONS FOR THIS STORY PUH LEEZZZZ SJDJJSNSN ty for uploading this i’m going to buy the original and thank the author for all their work CAUSE THEY DESERVE IT AND MORE GOD DAMMIT THEY HAVE MY HEART FOREVERRRRRR AGHHHHH literally the best fucking manga i’ve ever fucking read no cap bruh no fucking cap. ty for readin my red talk