Banana Fish dj - Umare Ochita Hi wa Ame
i was like “omg i wish it was actually like this” but nvm… banana fish will be banana fish
Puppy Love
Drastic Omega
i liked this it was good XCCCC
Ni Jiu
orkay like ngl usually chinese manhwas r a like wonky LIKE NAH THERE R RLLY GOOD ONES TOO but usually they r a lil wonky like the art MWAH but the story… nah BUT THIS ONE. WOW. i have never even thought of a plot where it’s omegaverse but on the thwm transmigrates into a world without alphas omegas etc. THE IDEA IS SO COOL WAHHH i’m lowkey so happy i read this like one the art is SAUR PRETTY like SAURRRR PRETTY it’s unbelievable how much i love the art i forgot their names SORRY but the seme was like rlly rlly cute idk how to explain like ik he has emotion problems but that almost made it cuter. like his lil angry faces he would make were so dam cute idk how to explain them he was jus so pouty and cute and just like UGHHH i swear multiple times reading i had to stop and giggle abt the faces he would make bc he was so cute. esp the like chibi versions HMAMSMXK HE WAS SIMPLY ADORABLE. like the chi is r jus so cute and perfect. like they or chubs but not too chubs. and they still had dimension. i love them. also like the uke SAUR WARM jus like how the seme explained him to be. he’s jus so gentle and pretty and ahhhhhhhh jus love him. his pretty eyelashes and overall care for the others. his empathy and understanding of the seme and the kid jus HAS MY HEART. the side characters too AHH loved them. the kid was so cute! the best friend and the secretary were so cute too wahhh the secretary esp. like his overthinking was so relatable to me. esp that part where he kept liking and unliking the ukes posts it had me cackling. overall yea i just haven’t read something like this in so long. i jus loved how the characters grew so gradually and realistically bc w a lot of manhwas u find that the love they had for each other jus like POP out of nowhere. but this one we were like guided through it along with the characters as well. you could truly feel the growing love the characters would have for one another. and the misunderstandings too were even realistic. like they weren’t absurd. they helped build the characters and plot rather then jus to “create a problem to fix” like other stories do. the developement of the characters and their love was just so well done and i wish i could reread this. actually i wishi would learn chinese so i can read the original but yes. this was rlly SAUR GOOD AND IM SO HAPPY I READ THIS. WOOOOHOOO
The Rogue Prince Is Secretly an Omega
i cant this is a combination of my fav fav genres i haven’t read anything like this in so longgggg IM SOOOOO HOOKEDDDD UGHHHHH THE ART IS JUS STUNNING TOO i’m offing myself pls give me more…
this took me forever to read BUT WHY LIKE JM GOING TO KILL MYSELF WHY DIDNT I READ THUS SOONER OH MY GOD i mean more episodes now so that’s good but oh my god i haben felt this many butterflies or gotten this many goosebumps from a manhwa in awhile it was so perfectly UGH like the way the represent yeonwoos feelings whenever he get a shy or embarrassed bc of shin MAKES ME UGH MAKES ME WANT TO KILL MYSELF IT WAS SO PERFECT like i literally don’t know how to explain how PERFECT this was likeeee i’m not ready for that stupid ahh b alpha red head bitch does something because i’m going to be so upset like actually i will HAHA KILL MYSELF IM GONNA IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THEM LOKE THIS BETTER BE A HAPPY MF ENDING even the grandpa guy was so cute he sure did bad things but he’s trying to change and i love that so much…when they finally found out who yeonwoo was I WAS DYING alsooooooo like again the art style is TOO DIE FOR like it’s just so so so so so soft idk how else to explain it it’s jus so appealing to my eyes it reminds me of the main love interest in moving i don’t remember her name but her face is like super soft looking and has that kind of appeal AND THE ART HERE HAS THAT SAME EXACT SOFT APPEAL anyway i’m gonna keep waiting for the new chapters ofc and will love every single one of them bc UGH THIS WAS SO DAM PERFECT NO OMEGAVERSE HAS WVER BEEN SO WELL DONE LOKE TJIS IDK UGH UGH UGH
Beyond Memories
omg i rlly liked this one i’m like hooked on the plot i wonder what all these feelings of deja vu is coming from for the mc. omg also art MMMMMMMMM especially the seme HE IS SO UGHHHHHHHHHGH he is so foine like having me swinging my feet back and forth love the art too the scenes were LOL they were bc good they draw bodies rlly well XD i cant wait to see how the plot unfolds hehehehhe
Romance, But Not Romantic
UGH THIS WAS MEHA EPIC PLEASE UPDATE MORE i’m so happy there weren’t like 30 chapters once the mc realized his feelings for them to get together. it honestly felt more organic and this was refreshing hehe. also LOVE THE ART like i love it the scenes were they were vv good i feel like manhwa artist r getting better at those scenes bc every new manhwa i read that has substance, they have been good hehe… but also the ml is just so hot UGHHHH tell me why i’ve realized when reading this what my type was?? whatever the ml was hehe i always thought i likes outgoing golden retriever but when i think abt it…. quiet hot cute guys so much better the ml
Into the Rose Garden
i need to read the novel… this one hurt SO BAD IT WAS SO GOOD I CRIED THE FIRST TIME I READ IT ANF I DONT NORMALY CRY TO FICTIONAL STORIES. it was genuinely just so heartbreaking. i need more
The last Omega can’t be “Tsugai”