Love Is An Illusion
Read this peeps. This is so emotionally wrecking but so Damn beautiful at the same time. The art and story plot is honestly so amazing!!! This author also created if so hate me so. This author is amazinggggg!!!! I look forward for each update by this author and you should too.
Karasugaoka Don't be shy!!
Okay. One. This manga is the freakin sh*t. Like literally. I did not expect to love it so much. Like I literally loved it so much. I loved the individual characters and I feel like to story plot was really unique. I haven’t really read a manga with little twists like this one. And ohhhhhhh my god. The art was fuckinnnnn amazinggggggg. Like literally amazing. Totally my type of art. It’s really consistent and I found myself saving pages just because of the amazing art sometimes. Who am I kidding. Not sometimes. Like all the time. I can proudly say I saved literally every single one of the pages of this manga. And I know that doesn’t really make certain pages special but shit. This whole MANGA was special. I gotta save all of it yo. And I loveddddd the process. It was believable in my opinion. The way the seme fell for the uke I completely understood. I mean if I was in his place, I would’ve fell for him at first sight. But that isn’t the point. I just loveddddd reading this. I found myself not reading chapters because I wanted to mentally prepare myself. That’s how you know how much you love a manga, I fuckingggggg loveeeeeeeddddd thissssss. Y’all Better Read This You won’t fucking regret it. ;)))))))))
Oh! My Assistant Webtoon
Oh my God! I actually love this so much. I first clicked this because on the homepage page it said "Oh! My Ass" instead of "Oh! My Assistant" and I thought the name was funny. I'm so glad i clicked on this because this was suchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a good read. The characters are amazing. The plot was amazing. The art is amazing. I just loved everything about this webtoon. The seme is fucking precious and adorable and i wanna protect him forever. He's a fucking bean. And the uke is so lovableeeeeeeeeee. He might've been different in the beggining but he got so mcuh cuter after like the third episode. Both the characters are PRECIOUS AND I LOVE THEM SO DAMN MUCH. I WANT THEM TO FIND LOVEEEEEE IN EACH OTHERRRRRRRR. THEY BOTH RECOGNISED THEY HAVE FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER BUT THEY AIN'T GOING FOR IT!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY LOVE EACH OTHERRRRRRRRR!!!! AND I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!1 SO IT WOULD JUS MAKE SENSE FOR THEM TO GET TOGETHERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee reading this. With the beautiful art and the grabbing plot. And just the characters themselves. I HIGHLY recommend this manhwa to other people looking for a funny and nice story to read. i can't wait to read the rest of it. Y'all better read this. ;))))))))))))
Nights Before Night
Loved the pace of the story
Home Sweet Home(bori)
I fucking love the dad.
Kiraide Isasete
I. Love. This. So. Much. My heart is actually dying. This was such an amazing and heart throbbing read. I’ve N-E-V-E-R read an omega verse like this one. Of course I have said this before but for once, I’m telling the complete truth this time. Allllllllll the other omega verses I’ve read ALWAYS included rape, which I understood since it was a part of the plot but I still never liked it. This... wonderfully written manga avoided that. And in a beautiful way. It showed how much of a struggle it was to the alpha to resist the omega’s pheromones. Not only that but it also showed how much the alpha wanted to protect and love the omega by him harming himself instead of the omega. This manga hit me in so many ways. I don’t even know how to write how much I love this manga. There are too many words for me to write and too many to comprehend. I wish I could brainwash myself to completely forget this manga just so I could read this again and go through all the wonderful surprises and sad blows to my heart. I’m so glad I’ve found this manga. And I highly recommend this manga to others. There is a reason this manga is so highly rated. ;))) Y’ALL BETTER READ THIS (p.s. thank you mingyuXwonwoo for recommending this amazing manga to me)
Here U Are