The Last Zombie
It was really good. I don't think it needs more episodes (although a few epilogue wouldn't hurt ) But I would have liked to see how He-un deals with the fact of all the bad things her father did were in her name. I'm not happy of her feeling grateful for the doctor asking for a lesser sentence. I think it would have been a great moment to show some growth for her that she doesn't want anything to do with her father or something like that
Sweet Man
The only bad part is that it ended. I loved it! I would have loved to see Daniel paired up with someone
Falling in love with the God Hotei before I die
Story with a lot of potential so the end felt abrupt and like there should be more
Kimi wa Natsu no Naka dj - Akane no Koro
I was really happy Wataru punched him because all of Chiharu's actions felt so one-sided. But I'm also glad we got this DJ to explain Chiharu's actions. While they felt selfish, I understand why he did that. He didn't do it in the best of ways but I'm happy to see a character with enough self awareness as to know he must put some distance to stop from hurting themselves and others any further
Until I Meet My Husband
Not full 5 because from what I get from the translator notes, there were parts glossed over and/or removed. otherwise, it's a must read story to get a glimpse of LGBTQ+ life in Japan
Blue Sky Wars
I didn't feel like it was rushed as I've seen in other comments. I did feel like the ending would have benefited from another chapter that could make the couple make more solid. But given the overall feeling of the story it wasn't bad either to leave a feeling of beginning.
Lunch Time!
Three starts because it should be illegal for this to end so soon ಥ_ಥ
BL of The Dead