Merry Checker
Complete | SUZUKI Tsuta | 2009 released
Prequel toSangen Tonari No Tooi Hito. Still in love with Mitsuya (but Shio kinda got into me)
Complete | Sasaki Kumiko | 2005 released
At first I was scared! I thought Kuroe had raped him and then didn't want yet another manga where "because of love" everything is fine and dandy after an apology and sex. Thank god it wasn't like that and that I kept reading it! I really liked Kuroe so I didn't want him to be a rapist (even for yaoi standards). Loved Kuroe's father!
Michiru Heya
Complete | nekota yonezou | 2006 released
Loved it! I wanna know about the letter! And maybe a jump forward???
If the Voice Reaches