Love Is An Illusion
Hye-sung spent his entire life believing he was an Alpha, the jackpot of the genetic lottery. He dreams of marry an rich handsome omega. But his world is flipped upside down when he finds out he isn’t an Alpha, but a lowly Omega. He can’t accept this. This revelation is pushed to its limits when when he constantly crosses paths with Dojin, an Alpha who can’t stand Omegas. Chapter 116
Pendulum: Kemonobito Omegaverse
Sayonara Alpha
Chika who was sure to be an alpha and the test not right, rescues a little kid and a cat and feels he met his destined alpha. But than he runs away and later he could‘t find him. As the kid comes to his school he knows for sure this is his alpha... a hard time begins... Weitere Nebenszene zu dieser story: Chap. 5.6
Tachi Neko Soudatsu BL