Ani No Hanashi
it really is so sweet i cried. story told from the perspective of the younger brother. really really sweet. <3 <3 <3 24/11/17: still so sweet, i cried again.
Moon Trick
so so so so so so so so cute and my cold heart melted<3. Touya is just the sweetest and everyone he meets can't help but be happy. Their whole family are just huge dorks too precious to exist outside of their own reality. This just makes me really happy. Also while there are very subtle undertones, i don't know if this could be considered a shounen-ai at this stage. The character driven story and super unique and cool setting is so interesting and feels like exploring all of it would be an endless adventure, and i'd surely welcome it. Seems like it doesn't update often, but if it were to be licensed and and sold here i would get it in a heartbeat. Touya as all those fluffy animals is so adorable and everyone is pure-hearted how?? man. loved it!! can't wait for more<3 4/may/16/8:44am/wed
Graduation Certificate (artbook)
they both proposed <3 <3 reread: 24may16: SO CUTE I WOULD PURCHASE ALL OF IT. reread:16nov17.
Blue Sky Complex
13/9/17: ch.15 just updated. why had this been at 4 stars all this time. this is one of the sweetest, most heart-warming, adorable realistic romances that never fails to make me smile and envious of both the mcs. changed the rating to a rightful 5 stars and i believe this is one of my all time favorites. i would purchase this and it will be my mission to follow this story to the end.
Hidamari ga Kikoeru