yay a mc with common sense that i can get behind! can't wait for them to get all lovey-dovey!! yesssss boiiiiii, consent and respect woo woo lol not chapter 5 tho, no thanks 2 that
Blue Sky Complex
13/9/17: ch.15 just updated. why had this been at 4 stars all this time. this is one of the sweetest, most heart-warming, adorable realistic romances that never fails to make me smile and envious of both the mcs. changed the rating to a rightful 5 stars and i believe this is one of my all time favorites. i would purchase this and it will be my mission to follow this story to the end.
Circle (Wang Zi Ying)
so good my heart physically hurts. my hearts squeezing, my breaths caught in my throat and i want to read whats next so bad. made me remember why i like this genre in the first place <3 new fav. chp 61. 3/11/17.
Hanaya no Nikai de