Playtime with Hakdo
This was a really different read wow like it maybe felt kinda more realistic?? Anyways a different but good read I honestly enjoyed it much more than I expected (I had low expectations thinking it would be just smut with cliched bland characters and sex everywhere yk lol) Also their bodies were drawn so gorgeously wth I loved the proportions of the art
A Lucky Coin
THIS!!! It was so fckn good you literally feel connected to the characters they feel so not forced and so real like UGH I LOVE THEM AND I’M SO FRIGGEN HAPPY FOR THEM FINALLY HERACLES AND DOGGO ARE TOGETHER AWW my life is complete now heheh And their interactions, relataionship everything was so damn adorable and they were a switch couple with both of them adoring each other to the max like sign me the hell in ofc :))) Plus I’d die for junior like his each and every action even after growing up was so damn cute argh he’s such a cutie
Tameshi ni Komando Itte mita
Oh I LOVED this wish it was longer
THIS WAS FREAKIN ADORABLE literally became one of my comfort reads omg why is noone suggesting this and why is the rating not 9.7 I AM SO CONFUSED they were one of the cutest couples ever and eden must be protected at all cost AND THEY WERE EVEN VERS, LIKE SWICTHES??? How much more perfect can this get Also the comedy in this is so on point I laughed loudly A LOT of times and the cute shy chibi drawings etc verything was perfect. (Only maybe the broad-ass shoulders in the extras where there were smut was a bit weird but thats fine lol)
Zero at the bone