3 Ban Sen no Campanella
This is a masterpiece wow it made feel depressed, lonely, hopeful and happy at the same time it really overfaws with reality and emotions. Just wow...
My Way With You
hmm it’s good ig but I don’t get what made his burning hatred turning into love in an instant so that was lowkey dumb ngl Except of that it was fine ig? I don’t get the hype in the comments tho?
The Stranger in the Hoarding House
Hmm I like how depression was addressed but somehow I could not quite relate to the quick improvement of him. Needed to be slightly slower paced with more chapters maybe dunno still it was good
Bakeneko Katatte Sourou
Kinda resonated with me...
The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace
Loved it, the characters and their psychological states are explained really well it feels like real characters BUT THAT DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT I HATED THE LAST PARTS OF SEASON TWO MORE AND MORE AS I CONTINUED like why can you not freaking talk, there was a borderline dubcon too dammit I mean I understand lowkey but I also hate how they acted UGH The top is so cute overall though he is a good partner, except the last few chapters where he did not FREAKIN TALK I'd say he is one of the best tops I have seen in terms of his actions and thought processes So overall really good but frustrated the hell out of me so not gonna give 5 stars (yeah I am petty like that bacuse WHY DO AUTHORS LOVE TO MAKE THEIR CHARACTERS SUFFER THIS MUCH I cannot understand this fundamental thing ugh...), if they get fluffy and cute again in season 3 I might reconsider tho (I WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY DAMNIT)
My Father 68y/o, My Mother 64y/o, Me 24y/o