Aozora no Sunda Iro wa
Probably is a huge age gap but it wasn’t mentioned and they don’t look that apart in age so I wasn’t uncomfprtable and they were cute, also I felt so sorry for the uke though he really grew up so well I honestly felt happy for him :’)
Garakuta no Ai wo Hitobannjuu
I mean it was rarely funny and the pacing etc was kinda weird so meh
Love Me Or I'll Kick Your Ass!!!
Damn this was so uncomfortable to read he nearly got raped 2 times and he literally was like a father to him wth
Yagi the Bookshop Goat
I normally don’t like the cute-ass girly uke plots feels heteronormalized BUT this was adorable af and the seme was such a respectful sweet guy uke also had his manly sides sooo it’s a big yes from me aww
Bad Boy Musashi and Oyamada
Contentwise the seme was stalkerish and kinda creepy with how forceful he was, so yep dubcon But except of that it was cute and hot
Ikemen Douryou ga Ore no Juukakin Fan Deshita
Unmei-teki Lovemeter
AWWW this was adorable ofc it had THE miscommunication stuff cuz it's bl and somehow authors can't write communicative couples BUT STILL it was adorableee I love cool guys actually being cuties GAP MOE YAY Oh and that suicide attempt was SO FCKN OUT OF NOWHERE like why did the author put that there...
Makitakun No Koiji wo Jamasuru To Shinu
Damn he is so whipped and cute aaahhhh The seme was pretty creepy even tho it was glossed over
Suki no Onshoku wa Kikanaide
Fukigen na Kimi to Kimagure na Kiss