The start I really didn't like it BUT HOW THE HELL DID THEY GROW ON ME THIS MUCH OMG I freaking love them and their dynamic AND IT WAS NOT COMPLETED EXCUSE ME WHAT I CANNOT WAIT AAAA Update: I LOVE THEM AND THE WRITING STILE SO DAMN MUCH LIKE THE SHY CUTENESS OF THEM IS KILLING ME I have not been feeling this giddiness while reading for a while they are so cute
Omae no Hou ga Kawaii Kuseni
This is sooo my thing YESS
I literally have no idea why this isn’t rated at least 9.3?? It was P E R F E C T with cute-ass interactions and good humor at parts and so like WHY? If it’s cuz it just teased about the sex scene without the actual sex scene then sorry to say this but you be tasteless dude... Anyways I loveddddd this
Hetare to Bakatare