Online Game Nakama to Sashi Off shitara Shokuba no Onijoushi ga Kita.
This is very very very cute!!! (♡˙︶˙♡) After reading chapter 20 I totally thought that it was the end. I felt satisfied even if it ended there but there's more ヾ(≧▽≦*)o I just love how fluffy this is and look forward for more. ^_^
Machigitsune to Hito no Ko
Second manga from sensei and it's another fluffy story (♡˙︶˙♡) I wish I already read this before. Such a great story and cute couple ≧ω≦
Otoko Yamome Mo Hana ha Saku
This was really really cute and funny at the same time. I was feeling so so at the first chapter and not really expecting much but as the story goes I got a lot of fun that I didn't even realize it was the last chapter.
Who Can Define Popularity?
The cover got me but to be honest I'm not drown in the art at first, I'm also not expecting so much on the stories since I thought it's just like all the other stories out there so I just scrolling on it and proved myself wrong at some point. This is actually enjoyable and pretty good story. And the art was also something. It's always nice to see artist who can draw the before and after, I mean the grow up version that you can still see the past little self of the characters. Over all I like this pretty much. Better check out the other ones (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Black Lotus
Hmm... The way this started for me, was really bad... Well all the angles are revealed on the spot so no surprise or what so ever on the whole story. It felt really transparent. But I like that he suffers for a long time, though for me it's still not enough. The chapter just felt like it drag on a bit that's why you will slowly forget what he had done. So yeah...
After I Left You
Hmmm... The story was fine. It was short. Had a lovely couple, I guess... The art was good. But I felt something is missing or lacking. I'm just not that satisfied...
Bloody Taboo
I read this back when this was still ongoing on webcomic and just saw it here today, it's kind of nostalgic haha. Well to be honest, the art was so-so. Well even the whole story was so-so to me. But it was still a good read... Well maybe because of the hamster (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Ano Ko To Juliet