Roses and Champagne
good turned fucked up mafiosso gets infatuated with a lawyer, practiclay kidnaps him, they fall in love i guess and when mr lawyer are leaving do to certain resons mr mafia boss gets angry, shoots him and SAs him for like a week straight causing him to get in to a worse statet so he can't really heal. All this and they end happily every after or something...
The First Love of the Sushi Restaurant Owner is a Mermaid
i have hopes but can get iffy Also hella triggered me cuz themerman have a pockethole in merman form
Limited Run
i'm so conflicted about this one. I really wanted to see some character growth here but really got none. Just the love intressed invading on privacy. nah Do not read the side story, historyical with rape, no thanks
In the Castle: the Dragon's Erotic Education
the bad grammar (i get thats the thing but it icks me)
Monster (bara yaoi)