Hello Green Days
It's about a kouhai that confesses his love to his love inexperienced senpai, they major in botanical They are too fucking adorable, there are plants THE SCIENTIFICS FACTS ABOUT THEM and have I mentioned that they are the cutest
Friend Line
It's about miya that tells fukami that he Is gay and has an abusive boyfriend and on the way home from drinking they meet this boyfriend and fukami steps up and tells Miya to live with him and stop getting hit Wow I love fukami so much, he made this a 10000000 times better, really liked this one, re-red
Summer Eyes
About a realllllllly tall boy and a realllllly short boy This is cute and made my heart whole again, re-read
I love the size gap couple, the twins are a tad weird to me
Hiyo-chan Koi wo Suru?
Story about a tall and a short boy with brother complex that start dating to try to get their brothers attention I wasn't sure about this in the beginning, the whole idea got me kind of ehhhhhh but really I loved it Re-read: honestly the first chapter is strange, but after that I really like it, hiyo is the best
Sugar Dog Life
This made me smile ah throughout truly amazing, no doubt re-read
Hetakuso Love Step
I really really like it, but didn't have "that" to make me absolutely fall in love with it
Hana To Usagi
A story about a delivery guy and a strange man with a bunny head who receives packages everyday. The second story is about aap boy who plays the piano and a boy who wants him to play at the festival. The third story is about friends who became lovers, but one of them is not sure the other loves him since he never said it and they never went further than kissing. It was pretty much cute all the way, very wholesome, I loved it very much, re-read material. don't have much to say about the other two stories so let's ignore them