Romantic Captain Darling
Zero Day Attack
Dawn of the Dragon
Ch. 2(smut), 7(smut), 8(H no memories), 11(T admit he's attracted), 12-13(k/bj/s), 15, 16(k), 17(hj), 18(k), 19(69/s/squirting), 20(s), 21(T confessed his lies and feels/H angry or sad), 24(intercrural/s), 25(H illness worsen/T left), 26(H dragon form), 27(H crying begging T not to leave/confessed/s), 28(s), 29(s), 30, 33(past memories start), 44-45(rut s), 47(intercrural), 52(k/T agreeing to H previous confession), 53(s), 55(T died), 56(memories end), 58(T amnesiac/H remember), 60, 61, 62(bj/fingering), 63(intercrural/k/T got kidnapped), 67(T got all his memories back), 68(s), 70, 71, 72(proposal), 73(wedding), 74(s), 75
Love in Orbit
Ch. 2(k), 4, 6, 7(k/hj), 8(bj/rutting), 9, 10, 11, 12-13(s), 19-20(s), 23, 25(s), 26(SH realized his feelings), 29(s), 30(s), 35(s), 37(argument/fight), 41(bj), 42(made up/confession), 48(SW went home cuz he's ill/2 years ts), 49(s), 50. Story was good, but I hated the father part of the story and how it ended so minus a point.
Ch. 4-5(s), 9(s), 15(bj), 16(s), 17, 20, 22-23(sad), 26-27(s/G confessing/together), 29(pregnant), 35, 36(s), 40(meet G parents), 41, 44(argument), 46, 47-48(made up/s), 51(H found out about pregnancy/sad/talk), 54. Side stories: 2(s), 3, 4(bj), 6, 7(birth), 8, 9, 10
Blood and Love