Please Save the Fox!
Ch. 10, 16(Yeoul realized his feelings), 20, 22(lol), 26(Haejun know), 27(YL confessed)(fox came out), HJ realized his feelings, 33(removed fox but they got injured), 34(both confessed again/together), 37(k), 39(HJ going overseas for a trip), 50(HJ came back/k), 53(time skips to college), 54(rings)
Robber x lover
Ch. JH start having feelings, 23(DJ realized his), 24(DJ confessed), 25(JH say he doesn't like DJ & try to win him over), 31, 32(drunk JH peck DJ cheek), 34(misunderstanding & DJ cried), 35(kiss), 36(talked things out/together), 46, 48(group date), 54(DJ cried & k), 56(DJ past), 59(side CP confessed), 60, 61(CP ring), 62-66(JH past), 85(k), 89(DJ military notice), 92, 94(6m time skip), 95(end), 105
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