He's Been Searched By The God
Hold Me Tight
Ch. 2(s), 11(G coma/F finally know about G's cold illness), 12-14(s to save G/G thinking it's a dream), 15, 17(G figured out that it wasn't a dream), 18, 20, 23, 25-26(s), 27(s), 28, 29, 35, 38(F stealing G company secret), 39(s/using G rn...), 42-43(s/G already knew that F was using him), 46(G told F he knew everything), 47(s/G realizing his feelings somewhat/not listening to F explanation), 48(s), 49, 50(s/F apologize and explain, G said to stay by his side to repay him), 51, 52-53(SA from that bitch), 55(s), 57(keeping F away to protect him), 58, 59(F in love/s), 60(jelly F), 61, 61, 63(F accidentally confess in front of people), 64(ILY/s/together), 65(s), 66, 67, 68(that bitch again ughh), 68(s), 69, 70(G being so sweet), 72-73(F bday s), 74, 75(that bitch kidnapped them/G got stabbed), 76, 77(F saved G from drowning), 78-79(emotional/s), 80, 82, 83(s toy), 84(s), 85, 87(s), 88(s), 89(abroad), 90(meeting G family), 91(F jelly abt G ex), 92(s), 94(G explain abt the ex lol), 95(s/G telling F that he's his first love), 96, 97(bj/s/rings), 98, 99, 100(met as kids once/s), 101, 102, 104(s toy), 105(s), 106, 108, 109, 111(working together), 112, 113-114(s), 115, 116-117(s), 118, 119(s), 121, 122(F telling his mom he's dating a guy), 123, 125(s), 127, 130(G is still scared that F might leave him/bj), 131(s), 132-133(drunk F/phone s), 135-136(bunny suit/s), 138, 139(s/fuck that wrinkly bitch for saying bs to G), 141, 142(s/G can feel warmth again, but keeping it a secret), 144(both jacking off infront of each other), 147, 148(s), 149(found out that G could feel warmth and that he wants to back to go back to his og illness), 150(big argument), 151, 152(my poor babies T-T), 154(F proposed/made up), 155(s), 156(G learning to swim), 157(s), 162(F telling G he can't feel warmth, G blaming himself), 163(s/G remember when they met as kids), 165, 167(G revenge), 168, 169(s), 170(F can feel warmth again), 171, 172(wedding/s), 173(end), 176, 177(s), 187, 188, 189(s), 190, 191(beautiful end)