Shuchu ni otoshite iidesuka
9; realistic, slow development
Monetary Love
3, uke takes care of drunk, injured seme who bjs him and says 143; uke is conflicted about whether to use the poison (which he keeps in his jacket pocket) 2, uh oh, seme is apparently a pretty big deal so despite new bodyguard someone's slips uke some poison for the seme (will he use it?) 1, super cute! yakuza seme hires straight uke to be his personal whore after he fell in love with him at first sight
Nande Neteru Ore no Chinko Nametano
Love Me Doctor!
24, beach date w/ md; bf and his friend x but bf wants it to be a one-night stand 20, friend knows 19, bj 17, rub a dub dub, now brunch 16, MD Han admits they've been flirting and a consensual kiss ensues 15, clueless uke is now super conscious of MD Han; after soccer practice, Han asks to come in for some water 14, clueless uke maybe finally noticed MD Han's affection, maybe 13, MD Han lays on the moves but innocent uke thinks 'hang out' might mean 'wanna join my soccer team?' 12, ehhh MD Han has 3some w/ redheaded uke and black-haired seme, uke wants to stay at MD Han's place next night but MD Han says no (he has plans with MC uke) <--nonseq chap, weird seme has xx w/ redhaired uke when in CH4 he only did 'em to get MC uke out of his mind 11, MD Han and Uke run into each other at bar; Md Han invites Uke to try out what he sent him at his place 9, md is interested and taking his time, uke realizes only md's massages (and imagining them) help him get off
Perfect Propose
3; seme is super understanding of being stood up and uke realizes that seme doesn't have any expectations of anyone; seme tells uke he loves him and that uke can take his time in responding because he knows the feeling is mutual 2, uke ends up working late and doesn't get out in time to take seme to his first festival ://// 1, uke slept and ate well for the first time in a while (thanks to his houseguest and a hj)
Flip the script
• 29 • Prosecutor Joo plays a recording for VP Shin Tae-Kang of some dude named Kim Woo-Taek bagging about using money from his “patron of the arts” Jeong Yigon money to buy himself drugs 27 > S1 FINALE > Yigon, worried his brother will make another attempt on his life, decides to be more affectionate w/ Tae-Kang; when Yigon asks if the person on the phone w/ Tae-Kang is really a friend, TK gets angry and warns Yigon that physical affection is fine but don't cross the line (ewwwww) 17, Yigon tells Shin Tae-Kang about his rel w/ his bro + fam while STK drives them to Yigon’s house 16, Shin Tae-Kang finds his game more rewarding than expected 15, Yigon tries to lower the vib strength of the bullet, but somehow makes it stronger instead 14, Shin Tae-Kang acts all sweet in front of the crowd and Yigon’s x until STK pulls Yigon aside and punishes him for causing a scene by pulling out a bullet v (eeeee) 13, Yigon (uke) and Shin Tae-Kang (ML) arrive at the S Group party; Yigon runs into an ex
24 Jikan Ochi nai Kiss