42; they're shooting a reality show at the dorms and Dojin's horny
33; Yuwon wants to kiss Dojin but doesn't know how to ask (their contract says no kissing); fellow idol catches him crazy blushing in the elevator after a 'practice sesh' w/ Dojin
32; the memory of the kiss keeps Yuwon spacing out at work; Yuwon realizes he likes Dojin
31; Yuwon visits Dojin on set on the day he's shooting a kiss scene (which he coactor/ex takes too far to mess w/ him)
30; Dojin has a crush on Yuwon (i mean, duh; but Yuwon don't know)
29; Yuwon is exhausted
28; coactor tells uke he knows he's gay (and coactor is too) so they have a heart to heart about whats going on btw Dojin and Yuwon and coactor tells Yuwon that Y should sleep w/ someone else to test if his feelings are real
27; Dojin is in a bad mood so his manager brings him to Yuwon's set hoping Yuwon will help; Dojin accuses Yuwon of avoiding him and tells him xx is all he can think about when he sees him; Yuwon gets mad (no public xx, they agreed!) and leaves w/ costar to practice a scene, leaving Dojin jealous and sus coactor grinning
26; Dojin gets an cting job w/ his ex gf; Yuwon is comforted by sus fellow actor when he has doiffilculty during a shoot
24; mid xx
23; dojin almost beats up a paparazzi secretly taking photos (he heard one of the idols is gay and his bet is on Yuwon); Yuwon stops Dojin at the last sec but they fight about it later; Dojin admits to fellow idol that he follows Yuwon because he respects him and his judgement; Yuwon overhears and sneezes giving himself away
22; on a 3 day vacay for Dojin's bday someone takes pics of Yuwon while he rests
21; hot, hot, hot bj then Dojin returns the favor
20; Dojin wins first and he’s not taking a postponement of his reward
19; Dojin got them an apt for sexin' and is hungry for a bj from uke so uke promises to deliver if Dojin can place 1st in the Idol Archery contest
18, hot hot xx though bad dojin came inside (tsk)
17, friendly co-actor drives uke home; dojin meets them to let them in and then takes uke in his car to go...somewhere....; uke drunkenly complains about Dojin no longer being interested in him to which Dojin laughs, pulls over, and says how 'bout now?
16, uke is horny but he's been so busy; co-actor is sus (super friendly w/ uke which is apparently out of charac for 'im)
15, uke gets busy with his new role acting in a series and a month of no xx passes by
14, they make up and set some ground rules (incl. no kissing, which dojin is against)
13, dojin decides to camp outside Yuwon’s room until he listens to his apology
12, they almost get caught and yuwon starts avoiding dojin
11, dojin rapes yuwon in the van
10; band got a new manager; at into dinner, drunk uke lays down in van when seme comes a knockin'
8; uke thinks it was the first and last time, but seme sexes him daily; at a tv recording, seme starts to get hot/bothered w/relunctant uke when someone walks in
6; hot consensual sex though seme seems to have fallen harder
4; uke hurts ankle in set rehearsal so now he’s on house arrest w/ seme babysitting
3; after seme gets super drunk he ends up in the wrong bed and makes his move (hjs for errybody)
1; Awesome, flashback to when their idol grp was debuting and uke was rich but super charming/uncontrollable seme's chaperone in the group (and the only one he would listen to [awwwww])