Nam's manga / #Respectful Seme(1)


Complete | Lee Gpiee | 2000 released

55 53, Param decides to take charge on their hotel date 50, Param worries Hwi thinks Param only sees him as an X friend; Mr Han waits for Hwi after his shift 49, phone x 48, creepy x-friend is firmly rejected by Param 47, eww, creepy x-friend of Hwi gets Param curious about his history w/ Hwi and tells Param he'll tell him all about it if he comes over later and doesn't tell Hwi 46, Hwi gets hard at the beach 45, AWWW, Param asks for another chance 44, Hwi anonymously drops off porridge while Param is [love]sick (thanks to the meddling of Param's BFF), but Param spots him from behing 43, Param realizes his feelings for Hwi and spaces out/struggles at work 42; Param acts fishy and avoids eye contact w/ Hwi on their date (he's feeling guilty about xx-ing his boss like the day before, ew); Hwi assumes Param just isn't into him so they cut their date short 40; Param hates Han for manipulating him, but gives into his lust anyways, xx ensues, but Param leaves immediately after (to Han's disappointment) 38, Mr Han divulges his backstory (aka his first love) but Param isn't convinced; now they be crying together (w/e) 37, Param is fed up and decides to call it quits w/ his crush over Mr Han when Mr Han begs him not to leave 36; while on a sales call w/ mr han, param is approached by Han's xx who straight up is like "ew, you are not worth his dumping me for" 35; hwi awk asks Param out on a date for Sunday; Hwi gets a call from what seems to be an unpleasant old aquaintance (*ssh*le alert) 34; xx 33; Param gets <3 flutters from Mr Han's smooch; Hwi and Param's BF come over for some drinks and din din; BF confesses she's rooting for Hwi (to Hwi); Param drunkely strips thinking everyone left already 32; ugh, Param in conflicted and Mr Han just made the first move ughghhghghg 30; hwi joins mr han and param for dinner; param gets trshed and Mr Han asks Hwi if he's jealous (End S1) 29; ugh, mr han makes a move and cramps their training sesh style 28; hwi's like "tbh i dont like the dude. I would never do that shit. Me, the guy who likes you who like me" 27; mr Han calls while hwi is going to town in Param’s nipples and mr Han may have heard a moan (or two) 26; hwi brings param dinner at work 25; param’s been avoiding mr Han so mr Han corners param in the lounge and gives him a hj (WUT) 24; param and hwi share a cute morning after (does hwi want more?) and param runs away from his boss (Mr Han) at work 23; mr han is interested in param (and damn he’s a dickhead lvr) 22; couple juxtaposition: hwi/param endgame (seme is a patient, respectful lover <3); mr han scowls at uncomfortable, blindfolded uke giving him head (very dom/sub) 21; turns out param does remember and he's hurt about his boss's manipulative behavior (aka knowing param is gay and crushin' but still mr han pretends to be straight); param relies of hwi for some emotional support/sexin 20; crush (mr han) knows mc (param) has had sex with hwi (he saw the texts);after hwi takes a drunk param home, param starts making a move 19; crush (mr han) saves mc from date rape and they kiss (mind you, mc is still heavily intox); apparently crush is a bit of a heartbreaker (and knows mc dreams about him?) 18; friend introduces mc to gay bar where a sketchy man buys him a drink (also, is his crush there?) 17, uke and seme both start to dev feels, uke asks for sex advice from gay fem friend 16; uke loses virginity at the gym 15, mid sexy gym training 14; ran into drunk crush, who is now drunkenly seducing him ?