Dareka Kono Joukyou wo Setsumei Shite Kudasai!
7; read here —> http://isekaiscan.com/manga/dareka-kono-joukyou-wo-setsumei-shite-kudasai/
Dazzling Prince!
Duke's Private Tutor
15, in the am, tutor finally realizes it wasn't a dream and runs out of the bed in a hurry 14, drunk mc makes a move and xx ensues 13, duke gets mc drunk so he'll spill his secrets/his motive for working there; mc confesses that no one will hire him because he's gay 12, xx wasn't a lie but only duke remembers (due to the anesthesia); duke is pissed at mc regarding his continued presence after the coerced xx; mc works to repair rel btw duke and his bb bro (though he angers duke more by calling him old--and being wrong about it) 10, the xx wasn't a lie? I think 9, the xx was a lie(/dream), the tutor contemplates what he wants for a reward 5, noah is hiding something
The Green Knight's Love from Above - Sweet Things to Be Served After Training-
Isekai Trip shitara Wakiyaku datta Ken
The Elegant Duke's Teaching Methods
SugarBabies (shitty trans fast releases chaps too tho) 17 is only partially translated
The count’s daughter is forcibly paired to the elite knight she fights with like cat and dog.
Can We Become a Family?
24, https://harimanga.com/manga/can-we-become-a-family/
Reminiscence Adonis