Talk to Me Tenderly/Be Sweet to Me
13; busted! seme's buddy became a regular at the bar, uke has a crush on his friend Ray who he invited to visit him at work; uke gives seme a coupon for a free drink hoping he'll come visit again; stll a v 5, short chaps should prob rr
Assorted Wildness
51; Mong stabs Jeha (w/ Jeha's assisstance) in order to save his sister 49; mong's sis gets kidnapped by Jeha's dad, Jeha takes Mong away but is driven off the road by 2 trucks? 48, Jeha's planning on calling off his wedding to Chairman Kim's daughter so he's trying to amass allies; Jeha's daddy tells J's sis that she's gotta get rid of Mong (Jeha's distraction) 47; x unril they're sick of it 'cause Jeha's getting married in a month 44, Jeha tells Mong he's getting married, but Mong already knows; Mong stays in old couple's dead son's room and finds old lover letter from Jeha? to son 35, Mong says ok to FWB, Jeha gets hurt by his caj attitude so he riled him up and then left him to finish on his own 33, boss's dad is an abusive asshole and Mong equates boss w/ Mr Kim 32.5, Mong played wack a mole w/ their heads after being forcefed drugs; boss finds him shivering in hte cold on a bad trip 28; prosecuter was the favored son when they were babes (seme got exchanged w/ kidnapped prosec as kids); seme sees Mongryong w/ preosecutor and gets jealous so seme decides to use Mongryong to bait a dangerous man 27 26, uke gets a credit card 25, xx 24; seme wants uke to dress and eat like a dog 13, haven't had sex yet; detective said locker was empty but seme has pictures on detective's assistant removing an envelope
The Prefect’s Private Garden
8, reread there’s a traitor in our midsts
Fruit of the Tongue
3, noah beats up the follow members of his cult(?) who raped his victim/uke/obsession/vessel while he was with the headmaster
42; they're shooting a reality show at the dorms and Dojin's horny 33; Yuwon wants to kiss Dojin but doesn't know how to ask (their contract says no kissing); fellow idol catches him crazy blushing in the elevator after a 'practice sesh' w/ Dojin 32; the memory of the kiss keeps Yuwon spacing out at work; Yuwon realizes he likes Dojin 31; Yuwon visits Dojin on set on the day he's shooting a kiss scene (which he coactor/ex takes too far to mess w/ him) 30; Dojin has a crush on Yuwon (i mean, duh; but Yuwon don't know) 29; Yuwon is exhausted 28; coactor tells uke he knows he's gay (and coactor is too) so they have a heart to heart about whats going on btw Dojin and Yuwon and coactor tells Yuwon that Y should sleep w/ someone else to test if his feelings are real 27; Dojin is in a bad mood so his manager brings him to Yuwon's set hoping Yuwon will help; Dojin accuses Yuwon of avoiding him and tells him xx is all he can think about when he sees him; Yuwon gets mad (no public xx, they agreed!) and leaves w/ costar to practice a scene, leaving Dojin jealous and sus coactor grinning 26; Dojin gets an cting job w/ his ex gf; Yuwon is comforted by sus fellow actor when he has doiffilculty during a shoot 25 24; mid xx 23; dojin almost beats up a paparazzi secretly taking photos (he heard one of the idols is gay and his bet is on Yuwon); Yuwon stops Dojin at the last sec but they fight about it later; Dojin admits to fellow idol that he follows Yuwon because he respects him and his judgement; Yuwon overhears and sneezes giving himself away 22; on a 3 day vacay for Dojin's bday someone takes pics of Yuwon while he rests 21; hot, hot, hot bj then Dojin returns the favor 20; Dojin wins first and he’s not taking a postponement of his reward 19; Dojin got them an apt for sexin' and is hungry for a bj from uke so uke promises to deliver if Dojin can place 1st in the Idol Archery contest 18, hot hot xx though bad dojin came inside (tsk) 17, friendly co-actor drives uke home; dojin meets them to let them in and then takes uke in his car to go...somewhere....; uke drunkenly complains about Dojin no longer being interested in him to which Dojin laughs, pulls over, and says how 'bout now? 16, uke is horny but he's been so busy; co-actor is sus (super friendly w/ uke which is apparently out of charac for 'im) 15, uke gets busy with his new role acting in a series and a month of no xx passes by 14, they make up and set some ground rules (incl. no kissing, which dojin is against) 13, dojin decides to camp outside Yuwon’s room until he listens to his apology 12, they almost get caught and yuwon starts avoiding dojin 11, dojin rapes yuwon in the van 10; band got a new manager; at into dinner, drunk uke lays down in van when seme comes a knockin' 8; uke thinks it was the first and last time, but seme sexes him daily; at a tv recording, seme starts to get hot/bothered w/relunctant uke when someone walks in 7 6; hot consensual sex though seme seems to have fallen harder 4; uke hurts ankle in set rehearsal so now he’s on house arrest w/ seme babysitting 3; after seme gets super drunk he ends up in the wrong bed and makes his move (hjs for errybody) 1; Awesome, flashback to when their idol grp was debuting and uke was rich but super charming/uncontrollable seme's chaperone in the group (and the only one he would listen to [awwwww])
Legs That Won't Walk
95, min-hyuk tells the construction chairman that the man he’s looking for, the one who really killed his son, is him, min-hyuk 93, seme says he’ll get uke’s leg fixed 92, min-hyuk angstiy remembers his HS days; uke visits seme w/ a gift 90, seme and min-hyuk both warn each other to stay away from SooYoung; amateur boxer from SooYoung's work asks SY if he's dating seme/Park Tae-Sung and if so he should date someone else 'cause Park is dangerous 88, x, seme is like 'use me' 81, looks like the snake finally raised his head 78, x nxt 64 --> ji-sung hyung is back and the boss ? wants to see him; MinHyuk gets help running away 60 --> confusing chap; rr all flashback chaps 58; flashback to Tae-Sung's youth 55; Park chains up SooYoung in an apt and SooYoung finally opens the letter of evidence MinHyuk gave him 54; Park finds SooYoung at the train station (he was running off w/ MinHyuk) and their meeting causes SooYoug's memories to come back. The snakes (Park's org) are apparently in a precarious sitch as the leader of the Dragons ( a rival org w/ connections to the Chinese Triads) has come back to Korea and is making his move with the other gangs 53; MinHyuk (hot psycho) secretly works for a Mr Zhang and SooYoung loses his memories?!? Park threatens the man (he who was in charge of the scruff w/ SooYoung)'s daughter so the man decides to confess that SooYoung isn't actually dead (MinHyuk had threatened hime w/ a video to keep his mouth shut tho) 52; hot psycho x's SooYoung while Park tortures an important man 50; SooYoung and boytoy? find a dead body and get caught by Mayor Kim's men; hot psycho comes to the rescue (thx to boytoy) while SY is being sexually assaulted 49; Park meets with his hyung and tells him to mind his business and kill the mole; SooYoung leaves to investigate a lead w/ a coworker (boytoy?) 48l; x; Taesung leaves when he gets a phone call while SooYoung is passed out 47; SooYoung makes a friend w/ the missing guy's friend but leaves before he gets all the info about the day of the attack; HHx 44; SooYoung confesses; Taesung is tight-lipped about his past; and theres a mole in the organization (aka, "snakes") 43; Taesung angry x's SY after SooYoung won't admit why he avoided his phone calls 41; SooYoung is a pet now 40; SooYoung goes home w/ Taesung after being discharged from the hospital--he 'punch drunk'--and is a lil needy (cute); flashback reveals Taesung got SooYoung's brother killed and Yaesung knows this 39; not a real chap 38; TaeSung's plan seems to have worked--SooYoung is badly injured and passes out in TaeSung's arms (where he feels comfy) ~end S1~ 37; SooYoung is taken trying to save boytoy 36; boytoy changes his mind about drugging SooYoung; TaeSung knows about the gangsters targeting SooYoung and plans on doing nothing for he wants SooYoung to realize he needs the seme to be happy 35; hot spanky car x 34; SooYoung starts to trust Taesung, now they be making out in public; gangsters show up at boytoy's workplace and ask him for info about SooYoung; boytoy is stll feeling bitter about MinHyuk (cute psycho)'s interest in SooYoung and getting saved by SooYoung so he views this as a perfect opportunity for revenge 33; ParkTaesung decides to be nice after hearing from SooYoung that that's his type; mobsters are planning something for SooYoung, but maybe Park already knows about it? 32; SooYoung notices the abusive pattern in his life and decides to change; SooYoung rescues boytoy (sees him being dragged into an alley); a mystery mob man is handed a picture of SooYoung--the person Park Taesung is so obsessed with--and seems to recognize him 31; relentless, mindless xx; after cute psycho tells boytoy to lean ove, he collapses sobbing; later a man covered in bandages (the violent customer?) approaches from behind boytoy as he's walking down the road 30; boss's forgiveness is a bit like light punishment and SooYoung's crying face turns him on; mid xx 29; boss decides to forgive him; cute psycho has the dum x bj him and interrogates him on whether he saw the boss 28; cute psycho asks to be left alone to deal with the man with the broken bottle; seme finds out sooyoung has an injury (hand cut from the bottle) 27; cute psycho fears SooYoung remembers, but relieved he doesn't; cute psycho notices the hickies; sooyoung puts himself between an escort and an angry customer holding a broken bottle 26; HOT seme warns SooYoung to make sure he doesn't get hurt at his new job; SooYoung's covered in marks for all that xxing and he's got work today w/ the cute psycho 25; consent is sexy; Park TaeSung is addicted 24; HOT xx, Park Taesung knows about that hj 23; Park Taesung comes to visit during SooYoung’s hj snowballing into some sexy times initiated by horny SY 22; Awww, Park misses Soo-Young to the point of obsession and starts cleaning out his enemies so Soo-Young can be safe by his side; Soo-Young decides to hj to thoughts of Park 21; Soo-young drunkenly calls subordinate Lee by the boss's name (Park) so Lee just uses his thighs and vows to try harder 19; MC turned down ML's offer so ML says he has to get a job in another profession then (because unless he can keep an eye on our uke 24/7, it wouldn't be safe ~cute~); cute blonde yakuza starts hanging out at uke's new job all the time acting all cute (and phishing for compliments from the uke) so uke's boss (blondie's ex) gives our uke the night off to hang with the cutie; our uke invites him over and then says he's gonna take a quick shower *blondie looks ready to eat him alive* 18; MC passes out mid makeout from a fever, ML offers to let him stay in his apt (but rent + work needed in exchange); MC applies to be a bodyguard for cute blonde's ex (though he likely does not know this) 17: after MC throws himself btw ex and ML; he freezes in fear? after seeing ex's face and ML kisses him to shock him out of it (sweet moment, no?) Blonde subordinate realizes he wants some too YO DUFUK JUST HAPPENED 9th CHAP? MC's last rel was toxic? Ex wants him to move back in, but like what's the dynamic with the x's pops? ????
Dangerous Convenience Store
60, 4 yrs have passed, Jooin works as a newcomer in the sales dept of a small company and has a shitty bf who cheats on him and neglects him 58, END OF S2 --> Ah-juicy attacks his brother with a metal pipe and Jooin hears the whole thing; Jooin denies Ah-juicy's advances (still processing, unsure of how this changes how he sees Ah-Juicy); Ah-juicy takes the rejection hard and ghosts Jooin for a whole year 25, Ah-juicy confesses to a sleeping uke 24, end of x fest? 21; H** foreplay 20; car x next? uke wants a promise that ah-juicy will tamper down on the pain 19; Ahjussi comes to comfort uke when he hears his sad voice over the phone; uke says they should sleep together one last time and then end things (he doesn't want to get his heart hurt) 18; uke wipes off ahjussi's lip stick stain (ahjussi has so many regrets); uke's crush breaks it off w/ his lover and asks for uke's forgiveness; uke is like 'sure' but also i'm over u 17, uke says no (still sore); ahjussi thinks maybe he's just not uke's type; uke smells perfume and sees a lip stick stain on ahjussi and thinks he's maybe not special after all 16, Ahjussi wants another round 15, uke is out to eat w/ ahjussi; they awk but suoer duper cute 13, uke decides to get food w/ ahjussi after ahjussi gave him too much money to compensate for some shitty customer's bill 12, uke frets over their xx; ahjussi asks uke what he's doing after work tomorrow and some loud dudes come into the shop and interrupt 11, uke worries ajussi might have a gf, and leaves a note after to has to run out for class 10, r2 nxt? 9, frplay 8, uke cried his heart out and says he needs to find someone hotter, with a better body, and a bigger dik so ahjussi kisses him and offers up hisself 7, hot gangster is straight and listens to all of uke's probs; uke has a rough day trying to avoid his crush who wont leave him alone ("can't i like you and my bf at the same time" ugh) and getting slapped by a customer for being absent minded at work (+ 1st time no work visit from hot g); uke runs into hot g and cries asking him why he didn't visit, hot g wants to talk so he grabs him by the shirt sleeve all cute like 5, hot gangster notices uke's red eyes and asks if he's ok, so he and uke gets drinks outside uke's job then like out of nowhere hot g asks if he's gay 4, hot gangster runs into drunk uke and his crush making out outside of uke's apt (but uke aint into it cuz crush has a lover)
Love History Caused by Willful Negligence
• 93 • Woo-Young frantically searches for Inseob in every airport and shop, before finally returning home feeling devastatingly betrayed only to find Inseob sitting in front of his hotel door w/ a slice of cake; Woo-Young can’t control his anger/emotions in front of a startled Inseob holding cake • 92 • Woo-Young gets angry when he can’t find Inseob and thinks to himself that he’ll kill Inseob when he finds him • 89 • Woo-Young/seme tries to treat Choi Inseob/uke’s wrist, but uke denies his help; uke thinks about their relationship and decides that he should get out, even if it involves him going to prison (?) • 88 • Uke's wrist is bruised from seme's angry grip; uke plans to return home to his fam in 2 weeks (when his deal w/ seme ends) • 84 • seme is pissed seeing a female coworker (who has a friendly rel w/ uke) is joining in the trip; before departing to Hawaii, seme asks uke for a bj in the airport bathroom • 83; seme is pissed/deflated after uke admits that seme being nice is upsetting him • 82; aww, uke thinks he’s ugly and seme is like “I think you’re beautiful” which is almost sweet until seme follows it up with “especially when you cry” • 80; x • 78; car accident • 77; Inseob and ML be bondin’ and now Inseob is no longer afraid of ML • 76, MC and ML be chattin’ in the car, waiting out the rain, post-movie date (crazy fan slashed ML’s tires? Is this normal?) • 75, cute > ML buys tickets for a late night horror movie and enjoys when MC gets scared and holds onto ML WooYeon’s hand for dear life • 74; ML starts getting possessive ("don't show [your teary-eyed x face] to anyone else") and asks MC, post-x, "next time, wanna see a movie?" ... • 73, ML is pissed after company dinner so uses blackmail to coerce MC (aka, rape); x nxt • 63, Shitty hospitalized actor bullies MC into changing out his pee jar and helping him pee into it; ML leaves the hospital pissed and confronts MC in the car ("Are you fine w/ touching anyone's genitals, as long as they're a man's?") • 52, ML starts feeling desire for MC so he decides he must just be pent up and to call someone, anyone to help relieve his lust; did sketchy reporter w/ a vendetta clone MC’s phone? She plans on releasing a big story, does she know? • 23, MC leaves his surprise bday party sobbing after being an intentional dick, ML actor sees him while taking a smoke • 19, other actor is being a dick, bullied MC into getting him a cola after he almost hits MC with his car • 15, Chinese shitheads sneak up on seme while he's w/ manager inseo; seme gets pushed into the lake (he can t swim) • 12, seme saves manager inseo from being raped in the bathroom on a fishing trip, but the suspected brutal methods he used are unknown (likely to be revealed in flashback next chap)
My Little Inferno