39, end of S1, Hohyun pieces everything together and realizes that Youngwon remembers alt. ending timelines together that he, Hohyun, does not; Hohyun asks Youngwon how many times Y's seen H die (20+, eesh)
38, post x, Youngwon (ML) hugged MC Hohyun close muttering “Don’t die, Hohyun;" uh oh, MC left the room against Youngwon (ML’s) orders;
37, first x, not super consensual or pain-free for uke MC; ML threateningly whispers in MC's ear post "I know you"
36, they found a kush hideout spot; MC kills his first zombie, which apparently makes our ML very horny
31, bullies slash MC's leg and ML loses his shit and starts rampaging until MC calms him down and they escape outside
30, MC and his band steal the bullies' stuff and then book it
29, shit hits the fan, but ML ain't surprised one bit
27, they join a new group of survivors
26, mutual hj
25, ML initiates an hj and asks MC to take off his pants
16, MC+ML go on their semi-bullied-into excursion to find food in the kitchen
11, comfort me w/ your body pls
Dead man Switch