Special Guidance
15 (OFFICIAL) - they’re in a dungeon (that has a dungeon inside it)
Guilty Affection
63, ML decides to tell MC the truth about their past and what happened in the lab 61, MC and ML reunite in the lab and MC is like "you killed my parents" 57, MC Yoonjae is on the verge of corruption but still won’t accept guiding; 2nd ML K Woochan gets pushy (“I will forever be your guide”); the espers begin their attack 56, bad esper/guide is like “I’m the only one who can save you now” 53; everything is in place for Kang Woochan's cult's plan; MC Yoonjae won't accept K Woochan's guiding though; Cha Minhyung says he wants Yoonjae back, even if Yoonjae hates him 52; Park Euntae (aka, esper MC's adopted bro who was turned into an esper by MC Yoonjae) has the power to see the truth is people's pasts, as such, he tells guide ML "I know what Yoonjae means to you and why you did what you did [when you were a kid at the association]" fukkkkk, did seme kill Yoonjae's parents?? 30, 2nd guide/sus ml (Kang Woochan) is starting the operation with a group of ppl (“his precious espers”—SUS—isn’t that what he said to our esper MC?), esper MC (Han Younjae) is apparently the key to his/their plan so Kang Woochan plans to track him by tracking the card he left—the one confiscated by guide ML (Cha Minhyung) 28, esper wakes up after a marathon of forced deep guiding only to find the room is locked from the outside 24, shitty, jealous esper is back at work looking all recovered; guide seme killed uke's parents 21, uh oh; guide ml tells esper mc that when they were children, mc used his powers to save mL; BUT guide ml is hiding the real truth: that he wants to atone for his sins (w/e that means...) 20, jealous, rejected esper (now w/ amnesia + mute) is locked up w/ an esper who aims to patch up his memory holes so he can make use of amnesiac esper's abilities; guide ML wants esper MC to stay at his place 11, jealous, rejected esper kidnaps our esper mc--to ask questions, supposedly--and his coworker is gonna cover for him at workfor a few days 10, is someone lurking by our esper's apt? guide is apparently vv popular w/ espers and has a reputation for not even pretending to give a fuck about any of them 8, guide owes a debt to esper that he doesn't believe can be paid off in this lifetime (something from when they were kids); euntae's mom (esper's aunt) only loves our esper mc since he mind controlled her too (she OG wanted to drop him off at an orphanage)
Ordinary Person A
Oh Yool --> ML Howoo --> MC JinHyeok --> Esper; Oh Yool's subordinate that's guarding MC Bae Gihong + Gi HyeonDeok (executed?) Baek Sangjin --> S Class Esper; City Minister ~~~ Freya - blonde tour guide appointed by Sangjin ____________________________________________________________ 58 53; researchers want to know why the sync rate was null 25, after a story releases on the news saying Yool found his guide and will imprint with her when she turns 18, uke is pissed/moping on his bed 17, cute! Yool kisses uke's forehead
• 27 • ML gets jealous when MC talks about potential guiding another Esper and x marathon ensues (despite MC’s pleads for an intermission) • 24 • Lee Hanseol was made by the OG Esper Doctor in an attempt to create the perfect guide • 22 • ML is like fuck no and crushes the creepy guide who vocalized his whole depraved plan in front of ML and reporters • 21 • Creepy guide who kills to get the strongest esper corners MC in an alley while reporters keep ML busy • 20 • x • 18 • awwww, ML falls asleep on MC’s shoulder • 17 • Visiting G-man makes some disparaging remarks to our guide MC and ML ain’t having it 15, Guide thinks his esper might be weak, esp his heart (w/e that means, causse the ML be OP AF) 6 ; better trans on bato.to
Until Morning Light
27 22, ML Esper saves MC Guide before he gets eaten by a monster (the villagers tricked him into becoming a sacrifice for the creatures by telling him they needed his help searching for a missing child); MC kisses him after ML asks for guiding 13, a creature appeared outside of the base so they gots to go 10; abandon all thoughts of escape guide-nim, 'cause even if their compatibility tests at a low 28% again, esper seme has no intention of letting C-class guide-nim escape back to his enemy Peony base
Does Spring Come for a Terminally-Ill Esper
Novel Promo
How That Guide Is Loved