Nam's manga / #Erotic Art(1)

Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)

Ongoing | Byeonduck | 2019 released
2019-06-23 18:52 marked

96 —-> 76, end of ss2; shitty ex-lovers are still plotting something evil but the jester seems uninterested now; two MCs are being all cute as Seungho comforts a terrified NahKyum who just ran into the jester 75 71; Seungho tries on his lovey dovey lover side and tells NahKyum to just receive 70; Seungho tells NahKyum "[he] won't frighten him anymore, just don't push me away" in the bath 68; Heena Noona tries to convince NahKyum that his feels for Seungho are just confusion and that he should escape with her; Seungho comes home 67; Seungho threatens to hill Lee Johwa if he ever shows his face in front of him again; Lord Minh blames the assassin (Minh is a manipulative liar) and tells Lee Johwa he has plan ('cause he wants to xx Nah Kyum too) 66; Nah Kyum begs not to be killed--he'll be quiet (did he think the assassin was the one who tied him up?); Seungho's concerned by his reaction; nosy noble (Lord Minh) reveals Lee Jihwa is the reason for NahKyum's absense; NahKyum wakes up to Heena Noona anxiously waiting by his bedside asking him what happened 65; Mr Kim knows, but holds his tongue wondering why NahKyum hasn't told the truth; the woman is NahKyum's noona and she comes a runnin' w/ her armed guard to Seugnho's home the next morning; Seungho's still pissed and threatens to hurt her, thinking she's how NahKyum ran away; Nahkyum takes him seriously and tries to get in his way so Seugnho ties him up while he speaks with the Noona who accuses him of kidnapping NahKyum; then NahKyum crashes some furniture inside 64; more rough xx, this time outside and in front of Mr Kim to shame Nahkyum (no no no no); tailor spreads rumors that Seungho's lovr is a man (not a woman, as believed) and a wealthy woman overhears 63; rough xx (well super thorough at least, over and over despite Nahkyum pleading for it to stop); Seugnho says he'll never let him go; the servants are mad that Nahkyum ran away after pleading he wouldn't; Mr Kim is suspicious so he leaves to investigate in the middle of the night (good luck buddy) 62; Seugnho doesn't believe Nahkyum who says he didn't run away but won't say what happened; Seugnho decides he's been treating NahKyum too well 61; X loses his will for revenge and asks kidnapper to put him back; X asks kidnapper (who will do anything for a $) if he's ever embraced a man; kidnapper makes it look like NahKyum escaped and passed out trying to cross the mountains; Seungho locks him in a room where NahKyum wakes up scared and alone :( 60; uh pls save him Seungho; Ex gets hesitant about having to do the job himself (also he still be distraught over Seungho's rejection); Kidnapper contemplates some pretty gruesome deaths for NahKyum; he covered his tracks by making it look like NahKyum ran away 59; NahKyum is kidnapped and presented before the jilted ex 58; Seugho wishes it had been Nah-Kyum who had confessed, Nah-Kyum who has made a wreck of him 57; Seungho has a lifelong illness? pretty sure it's just his dad being a bigot about his homosexuality; Nah-Kyum reaches to take off Seungho's potentially uncomfortable hat at the MD's place 55, Seungho's sick (and lovesick, ha); Seungho gets a letter from a [yet unknown] person; Nah-Kyum realizes Seungho likes him 54, ok yeah he’s owning it (though Nah-Kyum is still in denial about it); seme beats the buddy who kissed the uke and kicks out all of his orgy buddies; turns out that clobbered dude was hired by the assassin to get the uke out; when he doesn’t succeed he tries to blackmail the assassin into paying him anyways and the assassin doesn’t like that (ding dong dead) 53; Seung-ho likes Nah-Kyum, but will he admit it? 52; Seung-ho stops calling for Nah-Kyum so Nah-Kyum decides to pay him a visit unsolicited with a completed painting only to find Seung-ho back his old ways: having an opium orgy with some friends; after Nah-Kyum returns to his room confused he finds the disgruntled servant destroying his painting supplies; Seung-ho’s friends tease him for not having invited Nah-Kyum in so he decides to fetch him so his friends can have a taste (ugh, bad seme); the learned sir (ew) is apparently doing well 50; the assassin has a man on the inside (the disgruntled servant) who is tasked with trying to make the painter leave the house 49; Nakyum has decided to give into his bodies desires and leave his brain out of it (disconnect; dissociative) 48; Seungho (seme) wants to know why Nakyum (uke) is suddenly so submissive 47; one of the servants has a grudge (for uke) R: