Boku no Kareshi no Sukinahito
6; awesome awesome awesome uke
Hetakuso Love Step
5, awww Yoshino Aoi likes him back 4, Kota realizes he has feelings for Yoshino Aoi and decides their 'friendship' must end because it hurts knowing Yoshino never has been in/doesn't really want to be in a monogamous relationship
47 --> flashback --> Elia beat up the mayor's son badly after he says something to remind Elia about Elia's parents' death/murder; Elia wakes up the next morning to hear that the mayor's son is dead and his uncle is being asked to turn Elia over 46, Elia killed the son of Mare Nero's mayor before coming to Spain; the pervy baddy is planning on tracking the phone call to find Elia's location and an impaired Daniel is being held as bait at his home --Both Elia and Daniel think they were dumped [by one another]; Elia's BFF Vincenzo is on his way to pick up Daniel
Hand in Hand(Babel)