(read 72 chapters) I LOVE this manhwa. The art style is so cute, the characters are adorable, the story is interesting. But the end of season one made me so sad and so ANGRY! Why did that have to happen? it's not fair! I hate it! It shook me so hard and it made me so mad... I just wanted them to be happy... They just got together...
And the beginning of season 2... omg.. Fist I hated how Jaeha was acting, how he was so mean like "don't ever come see me again". But then when Jaeha finally let Eunho go to the art studio again I hated how Eunho was acting.. like wtf.. and I hate how he became a sex freak XD I mean, did he really have to say that about Jaeha's hole? XD aaah I can't..
BUT I still love this manhwa, it's just that it's making me angry right now XD
I can't wait for the update, I really need them to get back together and be happy again!!!
Lover Boy