Taejin4eva's manga / #Royalty(3)

Solar Eclipse

Complete | Pil hee | 2019 released
2024-03-31 08:11 marked

Uggghhhh are we at least getting side stories? There's so much left unexplained in this story and I feel half the chapters they used to explain this and explain could have been used to actually make some action happen. This was way too slow for it to have been rushed like this in the end! I wanna see Ellen and Lai's relationship after being United, Ellen x Edwin and Lai x Hector and what the heck is Lai's name??


Complete | Ceci , Jiyo | 2000 released

THIS STORY WAS GREAT!! ratings need to be higher!! redemption arc was great! Character development was great!! I actually loved this couple and love how they both got a second chance! Yeah the past emperor can stay where he's at. The reborn emperor so much better!! Green Flags all the way around!! This makes me question, could you love someone who hurt you badly like that in a past life?!