Bad Friend
This was a great read!! The storyline was great!! Rigon and Haon their love story was just so amazing!! I truly enjoyed this!! I'm sad the side stories ended but this was great! I truly loved fluffy Rigon and Hanon
Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)
I really don't understand how this has such a high rating. This story is a walking red flag in every way. None of the characters were likable and I just felt bad for NaKyum he got Stockholm Syndrome.
Smyrna & Capri
I loved the fantasy mixed with abo. This was such a unique story!! It was different and Theo and Seram just stole my heart!! I almost started crying at one time but I'm so happy for their happy ending!! Please give us side stories I just wanna see this happy family spending time together!!
Tale of the Yellow Dragon
The art was beautiful on this story!!! And the love between Dojin and Yooshin was heartbreaking and moving. The pain they both went through was hard. At times the story dragged a bit but I wanted this couple to have their happy ending. Their happy ending hurt but I understood why it had to be that way. Yooshin kept his promise to Dojin
Taming the Tiger
This was such a beautifully told love story! The pain, the struggles, the fights and the love!!! This story had me sobbing soooo hard!!!! Big fat tears!! I can't even use words right now I'm just so emotionally! This story is seriously my favorite story ever!!! Geum Hoo and Beom forever took my heart!!!
Willow love story
This was definitely healthy relationship goals!!
Gorani Jeon
Omgggg this was sooo freaking cute! Very different and I loved this!! I can't even wrap my head around it!!! The couple was so in love with each other! Smut, comedy and romance all top tier!!!
THIS STORY WAS GREAT!! ratings need to be higher!! redemption arc was great! Character development was great!! I actually loved this couple and love how they both got a second chance! Yeah the past emperor can stay where he's at. The reborn emperor so much better!! Green Flags all the way around!! This makes me question, could you love someone who hurt you badly like that in a past life?!
To Take An Enemy's Heart