Under the Oak Tree
This is absolutely worthwhile!! Its a must read! Simply delightful!! I do have to say, I am waiting on the edge of my seat at this point for her to finally tell him of her upbringing. I'll love to see the hell he brings down on her disgusting awful thing of a father. Can't wait!!!
The Way to Protect the Female Lead's Older Brother
Damn. If there was ever a story to stay updated with this would definitely be it. The art is simply enthralling, bewitching, and breathtaking. I have to stare at each scene for about 2 minutes before I can move on. If I don’t I feel like I’m doing it a dishonor! I’d definitely let her be my master because fuck! Also, god damn, being pan has too many issues, I’m falling for all of them!!!
My Second Husband Desperate and Depressed
The art is beautiful. Storyline so far - MC went back in time 20 years, to her depressing life with her abusive mother in-laws and MIA husband, James, who is at war. To change this timeline, she decides to divorce and marry the duke, (who is surprisingly kind and very sweet). As it turns out, (no plot twist here) her original husband does like her. How will things turn out when James finally confronts them?!
Steel Under Silk