Marry Me!(yuuki Miku)
this deserves 10 stars.
Ano Koro No Mama De Ite
there are a few one shots that i stumble across - usually spinoffs - but not always, that i just wish were series! i'd read an entire series about these characters! i think the premise is interesting and the characters made me curious to learn more. i loathe when a one shot should be a 5-10 shot. :[
Family Simulation!!
i'd rather have had them split the stories up entirely under two titles and two urls, i just don't think they have enough in common to be put together this way. other than the weirdness of the two completely different stories being paired together i really liked this, they both made me laugh and i appreciate that no one had to have PTSD or get gangraped for there to be a story line!
Good Day - Woof - For Lunch!