Petit Mignon
The S-Classes That I Raised
153- end of season one The transcendenta used to kill nurturers in the other world. The filial piety side chapter box was asked fo look for yoohyun’s oh body Need to read after 75- noah 5/5 HILARIOUS ch 65 - finally closer to where i was in novel when SHJ realizes he needs to treat HYJ as an item lol This is one of my fav novels, and this manhwa may actually be BETTER than the novel. It improves upon many scenes and adds in realistic backstories or moments for characters. Importantly, MC is kind of an unreliable narrator (especially when it comes to talking about his ability or "docile" brother. The manhwa gives us a more realistic view of everyone and MC's actions.
Our Sunny Days
I Became a Maid in a TL Novel
78- second ml never hit so hard. I've been waiting for Alec to come back BEFORE he left 70 - Dio's face when he puts it together
When i quit being mother in law, everyone become obsessed with me