Love Sex Show
1-4 sex actor on performence where a blond dislike his senpai in work but they are paired to next kissing show and more and more he thinks about being fuck buddies but other one refused bc he dont want only psychically relationship. E is first couple searching for a couple position 5 succubus brothers 6 grup rape on a ninja from family where a master was mordered by this master who do him now
Uemura-kun ha Majime na Iiko
1-4+E super slutty president of school concil and a first year troublemaker who is womanizer and he discover by accident his prez is super horny in classrom after seeing a woman underwear. They have sex and younger give him his favourite music cd so for exchenge he want to give him his fav book but there he saw him with a girl and every think was break down. 5 two deliquents one saw other one in love hotel with a man so he gossip about it with his friend and they make a revenge plan on other one. A dumbminded guy will get his heart and later smash it.
Yasashii Pantsu no Nugasekata
Guys are childcjood friend but in the middle school they star to develop feeling to each other but they dont confess. In meantime one start dating with a girl who invite him to her place but he dont wnt to have sex with her but his friend get fever about thinking about him doung it with his girlfriend. His friend put in his ass suppilies and during it he discover he wear a womanly panties. They distants after this and 2 year later fever situation reapeat and they wake up with dick in his ass.
Osanajimi ga Do M de Tsundere Nan Desu ga
Guy grow up in a flat where by wall his childhood friend have a brutal sex. He is masichist. One guy have 18 he confess to older boy but he refuse and give him one chance to make him love.
Itoshi no Kemukujara
Guy take a bath in his house and during being under surface he said a wish to life in other world. That world is full of hairy people who wear mask to cover their face bc face is their private part. And a prince is interesed in human. A guy is interesed in prince too. Prince have so lovely hair and as uke make him different hairdressed.
Hatsujou Kemono Biyori
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet story about human cats in third discrit
Bakashite Damashite
Guy start to going on gym to gain some muscules for his partner. A trainer on gym start to flirting with him but he still have hope his actual partner will accept all of him but in the end they broke up. He and gym trainer start to have sex and met very often but by misunderstanding both of them thinking its not mutual. And uke start thinking it will be the same as his previous relationship.
Kainarasu Hazuga Aegasarete Komattemasu