Sutenaide My Hero
Omega is in love in his hero from middle school. On the university he confess to his love and they start going out. Omega is seme and alpha uke. Omega persuade him to bite him but he was devastated and want to broke a bond by bitting someone else. Scumbag
Nande Neteru Ore no Chinko Nametano
Guy often spent night in his friend house but one night he notice his friend give him blowjob when he was asleep. Situation repeat but he like this and start develop his emotion to boy. But after a short talk with their friends a blowgiving boy thought they never be together. A second one was confussed bc his friend didnt laid hand on him anymore in adicction he start meets with girl. In the end he say he love him and is otaku so he was ashamed about that fact.
To Dear, My Sorrow
Imo not ended bc seme dont say i love you im disapointed. On this way to home he saw a person in garbage. He take him to home and offered shower after person take one and he reminded him as his old classmate. He proposed him to stay a night bc boy and his boyfriend broke up. In night as thank up gift he give him blowjob. After that night a garbage guy stayed in his old mate's house but he often stay in random person house on a night stay date. A owner of place start thinking he like a other guy and say this to him but other dont want bc he was scared they ended up as his previous relationship.
Chika-chan to!
Story is about 3 friends who do a dirty thing. Nao is only one neko but he persuaded chika to try that way to. Ryo is only seme. Nao has a girlfriend who understand him and allow to this shit relation. Ryo is in love with chika from long time ago and when a nao dont come a two seme have a sex together and a some time later ryo just confessed to chika. They agree to only kiss what for him means much more than sex. A old guy who ryo do it with appeared and chika feels uncomfortable and anxious in especially when ryo dont come to school for week and spent this time in his home with old neighbour.
My Dirty Fantasy Came True
Guy is considering to go on a gym bc his doctor recomended him that and there he met super hot personal trainer about who he fantasie.
Obaka na Omega wo Haramasetai
Childhood friend who do perverted thing bc alpha fooled omega he do it to omega become independent adult. They have feeling to each others. Omega heard teacher saing to his alpha his relation can affect his future and run away.
Anoyo de Omae ni Suki dato Ieru
Guy throw yourself under train and now he is in his high school life. He met there his kouhai from track club and now he trai remember every thing. He start to daiting him and fell in love in him. Early during suside he think he want only one person who truly love him and he realise he had one this younger guy. But when he remembered why their paths was separated he wake up in hospital. He survive accident and was in coma. Now he decided to find his first love and he is schocked his love always waiting for him. Younger was a great runner but 3 years ago he retired and now he teache sport in school. His scene when he see him not change at all.
Namae mo Shiranai Machiawase
12E bathroom guys 3 sensei x student in school art 456 boy coming out he is gay and his friend trying to refuse he is too start to bully him as thow trash to his locker itp. But in reality he was into him. Not have sex scene
Ochikobore Alpha to Elite Omega