With Your Tail, Yes!
2-3 chimera dog boy worki in flower shop up day and toy shop in night. He is interested in director of big company who wear bra. 4-5 carnivore and herbivore in world where carnivore almost dont exist anymore and herbivore are amnormous strong.
Bi lil bro x gay big bro They bump on themselfs during dates. Later they talk about their sexual preferensec and discover of true. Big bro has a shitty bf who cheat on him and met him only to hook up in hotel. They brake up after lil bro intervence. Brothers become couple. Lil bro was first in love he jerk off to moaning through the wall. After family meeting in gramps' countyside house they brake up bc big bro want a good happy life with family for his lil bro. Lil bro move out, big bro is lonely and they met again in hospital where lil bro get after lack of sleep. Upper hospitalbed big bro confess his feelings.
Can I even move in?
Miwaku Shikake - Amai Wana
Ochinai Otoke
Zenbu, Ω na Ore no Sei.
They rival, they procreate and they become mates.
Miscreants And Mayhem
He dated with woman with cute little boy whi was son of his boss. A boy fall in love in him. Once boss discover his romance with his mistres he made him regret it so he have to get fucked in ass by a lot of guys. Time fly and boy change in adult. After his mother death he was adopted by a shady guy who trained him into mafia cases. He gain a nickname croccodile. Now he want to win his "dad" heart but also kill his real father.
Smyrna & Capri
Theo alpha who was chosen to give birth to child and his capri seth who is leader of revolutionary army of dragon decendants. He impregnate him and accept all of him. Theo open his hearth and cant let him go.
Kore de Saigo no Koi ni shitai
12E he is into older rich guy but with his unluck he always get in relationship with married guy. When he give up his younger new coworker get interested with him bc he think unlucky guy was staring at him in work when he looking at older married guy. They start dating but one day on a yonger's birthday he saw him with pregnant woman holding hands in bakery and was sure his bad luck was awaken again. Bat it was his twin brother. 3-5 two coworkers where they dont like each other bc superior give him a lot work at the end of work so he must stay overtime. New recruit want a fling so he call male prostitute and in door he saw his older coworker. He thrathened him with spicy photo but in the end he fall in love and other one pay off his debt.
Horeta Otoko wa Shin'yuu de